Best Protein Powder


New member
What is the best protein powder out there that you can pick up at a local vitamin shop like gnc or vitamin world? by best i mean most effective and best taste
Pro Rated 100% whey. Probably the best tasting AND most cost effective. Cant go wrong with ON's 100% whey either or Sytrax's Nectar.

I also am a big fan of SportLab's whey... which Im using right now.
my votes for Optimum :) good stuff

i've also have Pro Rated, not to bad among others but not as quite as good as Optimum
I think many say ON because it's cheap and good tasting, but Nectar or Vp2 are much better in protein quality (and, Nectar, gooood tasting too).
Yes taste is a personal preference I agree. Like Anguish said VP2 tastes nasty yet I found it to be the best powder i have ever tried. I used to use Nitrotech and once I tried VP2 I never bought anymore Nitrotech. I would just try them to you find one that works for you. Me and my buddies all try different stuff and let eachother try it out.