best routine to harden and cut


what kind of work out is best for this.

how many sets and exercises per body part.
and how many reps per set.

something like.

3 sets with 10 reps or what
To harden up it is Carido and a dam good diet.
It dosent matter on the reps you use to get hard. I would still use 6-12 reps per excercise with 3 sets.
why change your rountine when cutting?

keep your routine the same.

the only thing that should change when cutting imo -- your diet and adding in a good bit of cardio
House and Beast are right. Why change routines, you got big lifting big, keep liftingbig to stay big. Diet is the only needed change, unless you want to do some shaping exercises to better tone you out, lol, oh I hate when I hear people say that one.
also increase in muscle will speed your metabolism up resulting in fat loss. so stick with ur current program
Beast_19_301 said:
also increase in muscle will speed your metabolism up resulting in fat loss. so stick with ur current program

Increasing muscle is the easiest way to lose bodyfat IMO and the most overlooked by novice trainers. They are tryng to get their prepubescent bodies ripped, but the problem is they have nothing to get ripped. If you start putting quality muscle on the fat will start slowly leaving, and when it gets time to cut it will be much easier.