Best supps for the money?


non conformist
What do you all find are the best supplements for the money?
Best three if you had to choose.
Do you buy in bulk?
And what Brand?:40oz:
By the way beer is not a supplement......:D

Overall I have found optimum nutrition to be the a very good product at relatively inexpensive prices, especially at online supp stores...optimum is probably my # 1 choice price = quality..

LOL should water be considered a "supplement" in the strictest sense of the word. I agree, it's crucial.

I would choose protein, healthy fats (mainly fish oil), and creatine. Does a multivitamin count? Because I think it's important too.
Water would count as a supp as we have to pay for bottled water nowadays.
Greak what u usin for a multi?
I,ve been usin this liquid VITA QUICK from Twinlab.
Anyone used this stuff.
I used to take animalpak multi vitamins ,those horse pills where hard to swallow....
Liver tabs, flax oil, creatine, whey powder and/or multi vitamin

GLutamine was dismissed as a scam awhile back...
i agree with YJ on the glutamine... talk to Billy_Bathgate if you want more info, im sure he would love to tell you. EFA's, mainly from salmon are good as well
Thanks guys .YJ liver tabs they where popular in the day ,why now?
I thought I saw a post by grafic awhile ago but can,t remember.
Phuck I,m startin to show my age........
70w30 said:
Thanks guys .YJ liver tabs they where popular in the day ,why now?
I thought I saw a post by grafic awhile ago but can,t remember.
Phuck I,m startin to show my age........

Liver tabs (dessicated liver) are loaded with essenital amino acids, vitamins, minerals & protein. For $10 for 500 tabs and the strength gains, size and increased recovery you get, its probably the most cost effective product out there....
Love ALA, Protien blends, Creatine, EFA's, Multis, and to be honest...VPX's Methoxygen. I feel so good when I'm on that stuff!
For me, I would have to say Protein, Gutamine, and some multi-vitamin/mineral complex. I'm not counting water as a supp but it is probably the most important! And the flax oil or rather Udo's Oil for me is part of my daily diet so I didn't count that either.:D
I know you read a lot about Glutamine, well, there's a lot to be said for a lot of supplements, whether they work or not. Well, I for one will continue to use Glutamine because I really do find it helps me with my recovery and acting as an anti-oxidant. I suppose it's really a "to each his own" thing with that particular supplement. I notice a big difference, especially when I'm really lean, when I don't use Glutamine. So, it would definitely be in my top three.
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