best "test booster"


New member
hi im young and am looking to do something that resembles steroids but now straight juice...but at the same time im not looking for any side strenght and top results aren't most important but something that will do a little something like a lean 2-8 lbs of im wondering what would be best? im considering gamma-o? any word? t bombs 2? worth it? animal test? or some prohormone that i dont know exists that may give me what i want?
first...what are your stats? age, height, weight, etc...

second...try whole food as your first test booster...lots of it! eat eat eat!
that alone should allow you to ad 2-8 lbs of clean mass if you follow a proper diet, sans any pro-hormones! theyre bad for you dude! not to say they dont work; or that the benefits sometimes outweigh the consequences; but exhaust all other options first.

eat quality meals throughout the day; supplement protein powders; creatine is helpful; BCAAs are essential...but try these before you try a pro-hormone or AAS
I have got good results form TestoRx from Pharmaceutical Alternatives. Seems to work as good as Andro since it was banned. Great stuff! The company says that it boosts test levels over 100% in clinical studies.
try eating right and enuff cals.. also.. try out sum products from cellucor they have sum kick ass products i've been using lately their creatine(M5) kicks ass plus they have T-boosters (P6) and the best part if ure not happy w/their product send back the empty bottle and get your money back no questions asked when u order give em discount code MB505 and get a discount n also tell em ure a 1st time buyer and u'll get another discount...guarenteed u'll like the shit 979-492-9876 to order discount code mb505
try eating right and enuff cals.. also.. try out sum products from cellucor they have sum kick ass products i've been using lately their creatine(M5) kicks ass plus they have T-boosters (P6) and the best part if ure not happy w/their product send back the empty bottle and get your money back no questions asked when u order give em discount code MB505 and get a discount n also tell em ure a 1st time buyer and u'll get another discount...guarenteed u'll like the shit 979-492-9876 to order discount code mb505

To order call 979-492-9876 tell em discount code is MB505