Best Testbooster for PCT


New member
Trying to get some feedback on some opinions on what would be a good testbooster to incorporate in a post cycle therapy (pct). Will be used with a SERM and for me it will be after Epi-Strong 4 week cycle. However it need not be specific to this PH, just want to know Opinion on what you think is best testbooster and why.
phytoserms 347--on paper and from feedback is very good in post cycle therapy (pct).

hcgenerate, sustain alpha, forma stanzol are some of my personal favorites to add in with a SERM based pct.
phytoserms 347--on paper and from feedback is very good in post cycle therapy (pct).

hcgenerate, sustain alpha, forma stanzol are some of my personal favorites to add in with a SERM based pct.

HCGenerate and Sustain Alpha get great reviews. I wouldn't use Formestane during PCT, but after PCT it would be an amazing addition.

What SERM and how are you dosing?
i would love to get my hands on some HCgenerate but cant find the stuff anywhere, i hear great things but dont know where find the stuff.
Trying to get some feedback on some opinions on what would be a good testbooster to incorporate in a post cycle therapy (pct). Will be used with a SERM and for me it will be after Epi-Strong 4 week cycle. However it need not be specific to this PH, just want to know Opinion on what you think is best testbooster and why.

If you are only going to use ONE, then I would recommend FREE TEST - it covers all your bases re boosting testosterone, releasing Luteinizing Hormone , controlling cortisol, and inhibiting aromatase.

If you are going to use a stack, then there is the Testosterone Recovery Stack, as well as quite a few good Testosterone boosters out there that you can use - you want to increase FREE AND Total Testosterone - including but not limited to Erase, Activate Xtreme, and Sustain Alpha.

Otherwise, the bulk of PCT should include each of the following products alongside your basic staples:
* Testosterone Boosters (one product that increase Free Testosterone and Total Testosterone or a stack covering both areas)
* Luteinizing Hormone Releaser
* Cortisol Controller
* Estrogen Antagonists/Aromatase Inhibitor (SERMS are not always a necessity for PCT, and in fact, should only be carefully considered, depending on the compound/s used)

D A A with a serm is great.....tcf-1 from primordial or bulk powder

TCF-1 uses the same serving that has been proven to increase total test up to 42% in just 12 days. Bulk powdered DAA is a good way to get additional servings at a reduced price. Either way you can't lose!
How would you compare the two?

Needto recommended using Bridge as a next best replacement for on cycle testosterone support if HCGenerate is out of stock. .

Bridge contains 500mg of Fadogia Aggrestis: Half the amount in HCGenerate So recommendation is to double dose.

Looking at the rest of the profile I can see why its OOS also.

I really need to run this, i cant really compare. I know HCGenerate makes my boys drop and libido skyrocket.

This is from the write up.

What is in Bridge?
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This one is pretty good as well,

I would go with the Hcgenerate first, however if you plan on starting your cycle soon and want the test booster on hand for when your done, you can go with this.

looks like you can also order from some of the retailers from But there price is higher then if you order from
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This one is pretty good as well,

I would go with the Hcgenerate first, however if you plan on starting your cycle soon and want the test booster on hand for when your done, you can go with this.

looks like you can also order from some of the retailers from But there price is higher then if you order from

good call I forgot about act ext.