Best Time For..........


New member
I've heard doing cardio in the morning is the best time due to your burning the fat you have stored, and not new fat you have acquired though out the day. But I will admit I am not a morning person. I can not image myself doing 30mins of cardio then going to my job and lifting ceremic tile all-day. So I was wondering when is the next best time? After a workout I heard burns the muscle you were just building. So before a workout? Also I have a punching bag is awesome cardio? Any advice or suggests would help me out.
First thing in the morning or after your workout.

What you would burn up (LBM) over many many weeks would be very insignificant compared to the fat you lose.
DirkMoneyshot said:
First thing in the morning or after your workout.

What you would burn up (LBM) over many many weeks would be very insignificant compared to the fat you lose.

Would HIIT be effective in the early am?
DirkMoneyshot said:
I prefer to have people do (long, but slow sessions)

beat me to it. I've found that 45 minutes of a brisk walk int he morning right when i get up helps to actually retain more muscle than if I was to run for the same amount of time.

in other words, running did nothing for me except hinder my LBM gains, whereas walking at a fast pace on an empty stomach just flat out burned more fat and allowed me to keep more muscle.
anything that keeps your heartrate above normal, and makes you sweat without getting out of breath. These are just my opinions, they may or may not work for you, they are the summary of things ive tried that worked for me.