Best to eat


New member
All I like to know is weight watchers good for people that want to lose stomach fat?

But also gain arm/leg/chest.ect.. muslce?

I have a big problem with eatting to much, I am not fat but have the little Keg belly I would like to lean down, I am 22, and 5'8 or so, weight 160-161LB,

I would to to gain more and get to my goal 185LB, But would like to lose that Stomach fat and get some abs.

I been told to do abit of cardio after working out and on my days off I do longer cardio.
Man, you need to do more reading and less typing. I'm usually not an asshole, but every one of your threads have been fucking ridiculous.

Go to the book store and buy Arnold's Encyclopedia to Modern Bodybuilding. That is a good place to start. Once you finish that, read the old threads on the board and educate yourself.
Easto said:
Man, you need to do more reading and less typing. I'm usually not an asshole, but every one of your threads have been fucking ridiculous.

Go to the book store and buy Arnold's Encyclopedia to Modern Bodybuilding. That is a good place to start. Once you finish that, read the old threads on the board and educate yourself.
PLEASE! Pleases please, listen to the man even if we do give you advice its goin in one ear and out the other then you go and drop another post. Like easto said get your hands on the Big old Arnie book I promis it'll have all the answers your looking for but you have to read it dont just look at the pretty pictures.