Biceps Blitz photo


New member
Got a new pic, I made an evolution photo to compare. On the left you see me at 72kgs, or about 158lbs. In the right picture you see me how I am now, at about 88kgs, or about 196. Almost at the 200lbs limit!!! lol

I had to take 4 months off from training so that's why I shrunk to about 72kgs. I'm now training for almost 3.5 months again.


Any comments?
Oh wow - So you've progressed to steroidology to post your pics after lets see being bashed at Mayhem for dissing Joanna, arguing with dante about not knowing his own program on Professional muscle.

And before some female replies to this thread, please remember that according to this guy, Females "SHOULDN't" be involved in the sport of bodybuilding.

Andre Agvidor in the remake
HAHAHA!!!! Funny stuff Dirk. BTW dirk, your email address in your sig is, '' I think you mean '.NET' not '.com'

@ Bicep Blitz
You look good man, why are you takin 4 months off? are you one of those guys who don't bother to train at all if you aren't on cycle?
Thanks GOlgo just changed that. Its really not funny he's pissed a lot of people off being a young know it all kid. His reasoning of knowing it all, becuase he read Arnold's books, anabolic primer, CME, and some book that was 230 pg long.

He wants an honest critique of his photos but when others "joanna / ifbb pro" post a few pics for fun and others can see. He dissed her and put her physique down.

And as far as dante - How are you going to argue with the a guy over a program that he created. This one blows my mind. Your young kid, you'll learn in this game that the opinion you had on something now. Won't be the same next year let alone down the line 10.

Nothing against your physique man - you've made some nice progress. Learn to show others respect and you'll get the same in return. Thats all i'm saying.

And i know this has been mentioned else where but, Take your damn stats down. This isn't the teen forum at, No one gives a damn.
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Biceps_Blitz said:
Got a new pic, I made an evolution photo to compare. On the left you see me at 72kgs, or about 158lbs. In the right picture you see me how I am now, at about 88kgs, or about 196. Almost at the 200lbs limit!!! lol

I had to take 4 months off from training so that's why I shrunk to about 72kgs. I'm now training for almost 3.5 months again.


Any comments?

do you run gear ? your skinny as hell !
Golgo13 said:
HAHAHA!!!! Funny stuff Dirk. BTW dirk, your email address in your sig is, '' I think you mean '.NET' not '.com'

@ Bicep Blitz
You look good man, why are you takin 4 months off? are you one of those guys who don't bother to train at all if you aren't on cycle?

I had an illness, so that's why I couldn't train or eat properly. That was the first time since I began training in September 2000 when I didn't train for more than 2 weeks... I am very dedicated, never miss a workout etc.
For your information: I am natural.
Die$eL~Man said:
do you run gear ? your skinny as hell !

Skinny?? LOL... Well in the pic on the left I was really skinny, I used to weight 180lbs right before I became ill, and that's when my weight dropped immensely because I couldn't train and eat properly.
I'm not a know it all. You don't even know me dude. Just because I don't like female bodybuilding idiots like you start bitching in every thread I'm in...
If you read properly you could read that I said about Joanna that she obviously looks great as a bodybuilder, but that I don't find it attractive and that she's become very masculine. I feel like Shawn Ray right now... Getting bashed because I point out the obvious, and I just expressed my opinion. I don't feel like I attacked her personally. I don't even know her... I even sent her a PM to say that I didn't mean any disrespect.

I read a hell of a lot more than the things you listed, but I just gave a few examples of books that I have so I don't see why you're trying to ridicule me.

I wasn't arguing with Dante over his program... I made a training journal named "Biceps Blitz DC Training" and the guy got all pissed off because he doesn't know me. I train according to his training split and principles of extreme stretching, extreme low volume and everything but still he feels like I'm doing it all wrong. Well whatever dude, I don't pay him so I don't even WANT him to take credit for my gains. I just wanted to be nice to the guy by giving him some credit in the beginning because I followed his advice as stated in the Dogg Logg on Muscle Mayhem.

I know that my opinion on things won't be the same, I'm learning new things almost every day. I do recognise that there is a lot of bullshit floating around on internet boards.

DirkMoneyshot said:
Thanks GOlgo just changed that. Its really not funny he's pissed a lot of people off being a young know it all kid. His reasoning of knowing it all, becuase he read Arnold's books, anabolic primer, CME, and some book that was 230 pg long.

He wants an honest critique of his photos but when others "joanna / ifbb pro" post a few pics for fun and others can see. He dissed her and put her physique down.

And as far as dante - How are you going to argue with the a guy over a program that he created. This one blows my mind. Your young kid, you'll learn in this game that the opinion you had on something now. Won't be the same next year let alone down the line 10.

Nothing against your physique man - you've made some nice progress. Learn to show others respect and you'll get the same in return. Thats all i'm saying.

And i know this has been mentioned else where but, Take your damn stats down. This isn't the teen forum at, No one gives a damn.
You know why people get pissed at Shawn. Its not for his views but because he doesn't know when to keep his mouth shut!! Just because you find a girl "masculine" doesn't make it right to tell her. Yeah it is obvious that she has a differnt look, so if its damn obvious why put your foot in your mouth and say something negative to her. Your doing no one any good with those remarks.
Also on top of that, why post your pic at every damn site around. The attention? The comments you get are not going to change. If you have a weak bodypart someone will point it out. I will tell you right now that this isn't so much a "bodybuilding" site compared to others like professionalmuscle or mayhem and those are where you would get a better critique if thats what your really looking for.
Well I understand Shawn, he was a fantastic bodybuilder but he never got the Olympia title, because of some bigger guy like Dorian Yates with a torn biceps and a bloated stomach... I can understand why someone gets pissed off because something like that when they're dieting for months...

Anyway... Well I apologise for all the stuff I said then, I'm not looking for any more negativity. I posted on this site and on muscle mayhem only. I posted here because I wanted people to judge my pic and not my views on female bodybuilding and such...
Die$eL~Man said:
you are on a Roid board ! How far do you think your natural pic will go ?

Well I know that it's called Steroidology, but there are a lot of guys here who are natural... It doesn't really matter. This isn't a roid board, it's a bodybuilding forum :)
I have some serious doubts that you are natural, but as this is the internet, and for all you know I am President Bush... so if you really are, you look awesome!
You need more shoulder and pec development. Why cant you eat properly when youre sick? for 4 months!!!! Man, if youre devoted then you will make sure to eat well.
Golgo13 said:
I have some serious doubts that you are natural, but as this is the internet, and for all you know I am President Bush... so if you really are, you look awesome!

Well I really am... why should I lie about it?

People only say that when someone makes good progress because they want to assure themselves that they could do the same if they took a few pills...

Thanks for the comment though!