Big game for Montreal ...Wow

Boston got to step it up in game 7
Wouldnt that be nice a Montreal-Boston conference final...good old time hockey,good for the game.
Boston got to step it up in game 7
Wouldnt that be nice a Montreal-Boston conference final...good old time hockey,good for the game.

Hell yea. It's nice to see some original teams facing off in crucial games. I can't stand seeing teams like Phoenix vs Avalanche ... Not to knock the players but as a real hockey fan I just have greater appreciation for the original teams. Unfortunately tho as much as I'd like to believe it's good for the game, while it does make good headlines, real hockey fans are outnumbered by newage assholes who know nothing about the original teams or real hockey. These days what's good for the game is changing the rules, increasing the goal size, taking away 2 line passes....shit like that. Kinda bothers me but what can ya do