Big Thighs, HELP!!


New member
Hello everyone,
I have read the boards forever, lots of great info. Long story short, I have always had a problem gaining wt easily, if i dont keep my diet/exercise up. Highschool weighed about 200, dropped 70lbs (healthy way)...gained 20-30 every other year (when i slack off)
I have started the BFL program to get things back in the swing. I do loose weight fairly fast, but have always had a problem with my legs and hips.
MY stomach gets flat as a board, toned arms ect...
I am curious,,,should I try higher reps, more weight,,,cardio only?? I have tried everything in the past, and they just never look good. Always very large, i would like to slim down and tone. I realize,, the quick gain and lost over the years,,,doesn't help. So any suggestions would be great...(sorry so long winded)
29 yrs old
160 (need to loose 20)
current leg exercises include,,,DEAD LIFTS (love them) lunges, squats, leg press...12,10,8,6,,12 (increasing weight)
Thanks again
the reason why you have prblems with your thighs is largely due too genetics. Women have greater amounts of alpha sub 2 and estrogen receptors in their lower bodies. This besically means that the lower bvodies are a favorite place for women to put on and store fat. It will eventually come off you just need to keep loosing body fat to the point where there isn't much fat your upper body and your body has no choice but to start pulling fat from your lower body. You could also take care of the problem by messing with your estrogen levels and adrogen levels, but I wouldn't even consider that unless you are a serious physique competitor. As far as your leg workout goes, it seems fine to me. When you are loosing fat from your body your body will try to strip muscle as well so you are right to train your legs heavier. It will just help to maintain the muscle you have now. The last thing you want to do is start going super high reps as well or cutting out lifting all together. After all, after you drop the fat you want your legs to look hard and tight not flabby. Hope that helps.
I have the same problem. Your leg workout looks good. You might want to add inner and outer thigh to your workout and step ups(on the tallest bench in the gym.) Also i do inner and outer thigh every other day. Good luck!!