bio tren a kick in time? help


New member
Hi I'm currently running tren a from biotech and I was wondering how long it takes to kick in? I'm currently on day 11 and I'm taking 50mg eod because is my first time using tren. I'm also running test 400 400mg a week. Any help would be greatly appreciated thanks.
Usually I start to feel the intensity after week one
Usually hits me pretty quick, but thats me people differ
Yeah bro that's a long time . It might be bunk . Even at that dose at day 11 you'd have some stiffies in the a.m or have some sweats . PM me a pic of it
You got bunk i dont care how crappy your diet is, if your lifting weight on tren your gonna see a difference. I see changes in the first week your dose is super low but after that long you should know your on tren
My diet is actually good but fuck it I guess I got shit gear

Something that every single poster in here missed for some reason - what exactly are you EXPECTING to happen? It's not a stimulant, so you won't suddenly notice a burst of energy. It's not an SSRI, so your mood doesn't instantly change (it does change, but it can be subtle). It's not a narcotic, so there isn't an instant wave of euphoria or change in physical sensation.

It's a hormone.

Hormones can be very subtle, or they can be a 500,000 ton freight train straight to the head. You might get every single negative side effect known to man, or get none. The point I'm trying to make is that you don't really know until something inexplicable happens that MUST be the hormone doing its thing. For instance, I'm normally really patient and upbeat in my posts - but I'm on a significant amount of hormones (including tren), and my brain reacts by shortening my filter on what I say and write.

The only way I can tell you that I KNOW it's trenbolone for sure, is you will start to notice your piss being consistently dark, no matter how much water you drink, and it will have a weird smell. When I start seeing that, I KNOW the tren is about to hit me.

Is your gear bunk? Hard to say. Are you expecting to instantly become a fire-breathing shredded hulk that shits 45lb plates, or are you simply looking for ANYTHING out of the norm? You're on a pretty mild dose, the changes you experience may be pretty mild too.

My .02c :)
Something that every single poster in here missed for some reason - what exactly are you EXPECTING to happen? It's not a stimulant, so you won't suddenly notice a burst of energy. It's not an SSRI, so your mood doesn't instantly change (it does change, but it can be subtle). It's not a narcotic, so there isn't an instant wave of euphoria or change in physical sensation.

It's a hormone.

Hormones can be very subtle, or they can be a 500,000 ton freight train straight to the head. You might get every single negative side effect known to man, or get none. The point I'm trying to make is that you don't really know until something inexplicable happens that MUST be the hormone doing its thing. For instance, I'm normally really patient and upbeat in my posts - but I'm on a significant amount of hormones (including tren), and my brain reacts by shortening my filter on what I say and write.

The only way I can tell you that I KNOW it's trenbolone for sure, is you will start to notice your piss being consistently dark, no matter how much water you drink, and it will have a weird smell. When I start seeing that, I KNOW the tren is about to hit me.

Is your gear bunk? Hard to say. Are you expecting to instantly become a fire-breathing shredded hulk that shits 45lb plates, or are you simply looking for ANYTHING out of the norm? You're on a pretty mild dose, the changes you experience may be pretty mild too.

My .02c :)

You know your one of the few i really like here right? Wth is it with you guys talking about dark piss? ? My piss comes out clear as water only time its yellow is when i dont drink enough. I say theres another underlying issue thats not normal lol.... For me and most guys when youve been off tren or first time on tren immediate changes in body happen lats get wider, delts get bigger everything jjst starts looking bigger somehow the water starts going directly in the muscle the way it should and you start looking leaner.

Seriously dark piss is not a sign tren is good or even knowing its tren. I dont know if you meant for you individually or people in general piss gets dark? I suck at understanding posts and too lazy to read twice lol Tren ace is the only hormone i ssy you can tell within a few days and next to that is SD piss should never be dark im gonna have to send you a vial just to be sure its not your source
HW send me a sample of your piss so i can test it iN my lab

Haha. You seriously don't get the dark piss? It's from the oxidization of urea (I believe it was urea) in your urine from trenbolone. SD doesn't do anything to my piss - but tren sure does. I know I get enough water as I'm up to 3 gallons a day, and it's not even summer yet.

I'll get that pee in the mail though! :laugh:
Haha. You seriously don't get the dark piss? It's from the oxidization of urea (I believe it was urea) in your urine from trenbolone. SD doesn't do anything to my piss - but tren sure does. I know I get enough water as I'm up to 3 gallons a day, and it's not even summer yet.

I'll get that pee in the mail though! :laugh:

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Haha. You seriously don't get the dark piss? It's from the oxidization of urea (I believe it was urea) in your urine from trenbolone. SD doesn't do anything to my piss - but tren sure does. I know I get enough water as I'm up to 3 gallons a day, and it's not even summer yet.

I'll get that pee in the mail though! :laugh:

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