Something that every single poster in here missed for some reason - what exactly are you EXPECTING to happen? It's not a stimulant, so you won't suddenly notice a burst of energy. It's not an SSRI, so your mood doesn't instantly change (it does change, but it can be subtle). It's not a narcotic, so there isn't an instant wave of euphoria or change in physical sensation.
It's a hormone.
Hormones can be very subtle, or they can be a 500,000 ton freight train straight to the head. You might get every single negative side effect known to man, or get none. The point I'm trying to make is that you don't really know until something inexplicable happens that MUST be the hormone doing its thing. For instance, I'm normally really patient and upbeat in my posts - but I'm on a significant amount of hormones (including tren), and my brain reacts by shortening my filter on what I say and write.
The only way I can tell you that I KNOW it's trenbolone for sure, is you will start to notice your piss being consistently dark, no matter how much water you drink, and it will have a weird smell. When I start seeing that, I KNOW the tren is about to hit me.
Is your gear bunk? Hard to say. Are you expecting to instantly become a fire-breathing shredded hulk that shits 45lb plates, or are you simply looking for ANYTHING out of the norm? You're on a pretty mild dose, the changes you experience may be pretty mild too.
My .02c