BIOBE, spofa phara


New member
Any ever heard of?
also have organon sustanon 300mg/5ml
If so any pics
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Hello miczelx :-)
Bro's from sfd - keep pumping ;-)

About question - I think as same as miczelx :-)
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I have used the Biobe Deca & Test Cyp with good results. Biobe is a fairly new Pharmaceutical company here in Spain. I believe there is a Biobe in Mexico too but only produces HCG and Vit B-12.

Spofa has been around a long time it is in Czech Republic. They are best know for the Superanabolan.

Sorry you asked for pictures. This the only Biobe product I have on me. It is the Vit. B12, HCG and Test Cyp. Dont kno which you have. Remeber all labels is different, change from HCG, Vit B12, Test, etc. All glass to. The HCG, Vit b12 etc. is in dark glass bottles and anabolics are in clear glass bottles.

Please excusse my english.

Sorry some pictures no work. Only vit b12 picture work.