Blast advice with TRT dose of 125mg test E p/w


New member

I've been on legitimate TRT for over a year now as I'm hypogonadal. My levels have been dialed in for a while and things are fine.
It has been prescribed to me by a doctor and is great thus far, however as usual, the more the better...

Current TRT protocol
125mg Test E dosed once per week
0.5mg Arimidex (anastrozole) taken twice per week

My training and nutrition is 100% up to scratch and has been for long enough, to start considering adding things to my stack to create greater muscle growth. I want to put on a decent amount of muscle however, I'm not looking to blow up and become all puffy. I'm looking for something that I can add to my stack to really get me into that anabolic cycle level. But in a lean mass gain sort of way.

I've been doing a lot of reading and have heard things like...

-adding deca at a dose of around 100mg per week
-or simply increasing my dose of test E by double to triple to around 350mg per week

If anyone could provide some advice, experience and recommendations that would be tops. As well as what the pros and cons of just increasing test E alone instead of stacking with something like Deca.

Your anastrozole dosage is most likely too high for the TE dosage you have. Instead of looking at Deca, which has no purpose in replacement therapy (our body does not make deca), you should consider HCG.

Hope this helps.
If you are going to blast, you will definitely retain some water and look a little puffy. I would stay away from the Decca if you have never done this before. I would up your test dose to somewhere between 300 to 400 mg per week.

Have a plan for the number of weeks you are going to do this. Keep in mind your E2 is going to go up when you increase your test. When you come back off, taper down and go back to your original TRT dose. I hope this helps! Good luck
If you are going to blast, you will definitely retain some water and look a little puffy. I would stay away from the Decca if you have never done this before. I would up your test dose to somewhere between 300 to 400 mg per week.

Have a plan for the number of weeks you are going to do this. Keep in mind your E2 is going to go up when you increase your test. When you come back off, taper down and go back to your original TRT dose. I hope this helps! Good luck

Thanks bud, this is the sort of thing that I was after, greatly appreciated. Further reading has lead me to stick to test e and steer clear of the 19 nors
You should probably cut your Adex dose in half.

Deca is primarily for joint disorders that are degenerative in nature. No real benefit at low dose of 125mg/wk other the some prmitive wellbeing.

Dr B