ducks on the wall
New member
Hey members first post.
23 yr old male. Training for ten years. I've done one 12 week cycle of test prop/npp/tbol at the end (only time available) in the past. 5'8" 215lbs 13-15% BF.
I am a competitive powerlifter in the 220lb class, non tested federations only obviously.
I am currently on 750 mg sust a week, have been for about 5 weeks. I have made the decision to go on for awhile, and to structure my blasts according to when a meet is. Starting this cycle in a week, please take a look at it!
Sust-250mg/2x per week (1-12)
Tren ace-100mg m/w/f (1-12
anadrol-50mg ED (1-4)
liquid stane 12.5 mg ED
prami on hand
Question #1: What is reccomended for cruising periods?
Question #2: What other orals would be a nice choice during meet prep?
Question #3: Reccomended liver and kidney care?
23 yr old male. Training for ten years. I've done one 12 week cycle of test prop/npp/tbol at the end (only time available) in the past. 5'8" 215lbs 13-15% BF.
I am a competitive powerlifter in the 220lb class, non tested federations only obviously.
I am currently on 750 mg sust a week, have been for about 5 weeks. I have made the decision to go on for awhile, and to structure my blasts according to when a meet is. Starting this cycle in a week, please take a look at it!
Sust-250mg/2x per week (1-12)
Tren ace-100mg m/w/f (1-12
anadrol-50mg ED (1-4)
liquid stane 12.5 mg ED
prami on hand
Question #1: What is reccomended for cruising periods?
Question #2: What other orals would be a nice choice during meet prep?
Question #3: Reccomended liver and kidney care?