Blast and Cruise advice for Powerlifter. Sust/tren ace/anadrol

Hey members first post.
23 yr old male. Training for ten years. I've done one 12 week cycle of test prop/npp/tbol at the end (only time available) in the past. 5'8" 215lbs 13-15% BF.
I am a competitive powerlifter in the 220lb class, non tested federations only obviously.
I am currently on 750 mg sust a week, have been for about 5 weeks. I have made the decision to go on for awhile, and to structure my blasts according to when a meet is. Starting this cycle in a week, please take a look at it!
Sust-250mg/2x per week (1-12)
Tren ace-100mg m/w/f (1-12
anadrol-50mg ED (1-4)
liquid stane 12.5 mg ED
prami on hand

Question #1: What is reccomended for cruising periods?
Question #2: What other orals would be a nice choice during meet prep?
Question #3: Reccomended liver and kidney care?
Hey members first post.
23 yr old male. Training for ten years. I've done one 12 week cycle of test prop/npp/tbol at the end (only time available) in the past. 5'8" 215lbs 13-15% BF.
I am a competitive powerlifter in the 220lb class, non tested federations only obviously.
I am currently on 750 mg sust a week, have been for about 5 weeks. I have made the decision to go on for awhile, and to structure my blasts according to when a meet is. Starting this cycle in a week, please take a look at it!
Sust-250mg/2x per week (1-12)
Tren ace-100mg m/w/f (1-12
anadrol-50mg ED (1-4)
liquid stane 12.5 mg ED
prami on hand

Question #1: What is reccomended for cruising periods?
Question #2: What other orals would be a nice choice during meet prep?
Question #3: Reccomended liver and kidney care?

From what I've read, your next response will be " you are to young to use gear, wait till you are 25+". I know it doesn't speak directly to what you are asking, but yeah. I would let your body fully develop.
Are you getting blood work regularly? Know what to check and how to read it? This is essential if you are going to B&C.

I can't help you optimize a cycle to peak for an event. But I will say make sure you are absolutely certain you are committed to this because it is highly likely that your are going to put yourself on TRT for the rest of your life. The longer you stay on B&C, the harder it is to recover your Natty T. Think about whether or not you want kids too as this could complicate matters. Think about travelling. Think about being married to a needle and the expense. Think about always needing a source.

Finally, you should also consider using hCG.
Recovery is still possible after say 6 months? Any reccomended reading material? I've given the better part of the last 5 years to powerlifting, and this is what has to be done to make it in the sport.
Ive read (I cant remember the Dr) but he did an hcg protocol on a group of men with years of aas abuse and only two of the men were infertile after the treatment (they were twin brothers)
Keep the sust at 750 and pin every other day. I see youre using tren at 300 a week, honestly if you dont get any sides I would try taking it even a tad higher. Bring the anadrol up to 100 or do anadrol at 50 and add dbol at 25 or 50.

Iv been blastic and cruisimg for a year. So far I havent let my test go lower then about 750, and I cycle tren and dbol about 6 weeks on and 4 weeks off. Honestly theres a lot of ways you can do it when you dont have to come off.

You better know for sure this is what you want because there really isnt any going back.
Keep the sust at 750 and pin every other day. I see youre using tren at 300 a week, honestly if you dont get any sides I would try taking it even a tad higher. Bring the anadrol up to 100 or do anadrol at 50 and add dbol at 25 or 50.

Iv been blastic and cruisimg for a year. So far I havent let my test go lower then about 750, and I cycle tren and dbol about 6 weeks on and 4 weeks off. Honestly theres a lot of ways you can do it when you dont have to come off.

You better know for sure this is what you want because there really isnt any going back.

Dropping test to 750mg/week isn't a cruise. That's still a nice blast. :-)
Keep the sust at 750 and pin every other day. I see youre using tren at 300 a week, honestly if you dont get any sides I would try taking it even a tad higher. Bring the anadrol up to 100 or do anadrol at 50 and add dbol at 25 or 50.

Iv been blastic and cruisimg for a year. So far I havent let my test go lower then about 750, and I cycle tren and dbol about 6 weeks on and 4 weeks off. Honestly theres a lot of ways you can do it when you dont have to come off.

You better know for sure this is what you want because there really isnt any going back.

Whew cruising at an easy 750 huh? lol hey man whatever works for you! This is going to be my first run with tren so 300 should be more than enough shouldnt it? I am only running the sust because I bought 4 months worth at once, so once I'm running low I want to do test e; mainly because it will be easier to keep track of how long the esters last. Do you guys think that is a wise idea?
Question 1: I wouldn't cruise, but 200mg of Test Cyp or Enth is nice. I recommend coming off though, why? Because your body needs that break, your RECEPTORS NEED that BREAK. Don't be mentally addicted. Thinking you won't be as strong or just fear the loss of some muscle. That's weak & ignorant.

Question 2: If you can get the real shit; halotestin.

Question 3: Drink a bootyload of water every day. Liv 52 & milk thistle works.
Question 1: I wouldn't cruise, but 200mg of Test Cyp or Enth is nice. I recommend coming off though, why? Because your body needs that break, your RECEPTORS NEED that BREAK. Don't be mentally addicted. Thinking you won't be as strong or just fear the loss of some muscle. That's weak & ignorant.

Question 2: If you can get the real shit; halotestin.

Question 3: Drink a bootyload of water every day. Liv 52 & milk thistle works.

Awesome man, thanks! I do want to come off sometime in the next 6 months, it will just depend on what competitions I decide to do. My body will need a break, but I'm going to push my limits and back off before I spill over. Blood work is something I need to set a goal of though. And no halo around here man!! I've asked around and nobody has it!
What are some signs that anadrol makes me "toxic"? How can I handle them? I had read that doctors who prescribe anadrol instruct patients to take it with milk?
What are some signs that anadrol makes me "toxic"? How can I handle them? I had read that doctors who prescribe anadrol instruct patients to take it with milk?

Drol can not make you "toxic"..Its hepatotoxic (liver toxic). I personally think people over exaggerate this. Symptoms that youre fucking up your liver would be pissing dark, or even blood, and pains in your upper right portion of your abdominals..where the liver is located. Just take precautions bro, take your liver supps and increase your water intake and your liver should be healthy. You can even take liver blood tests to detect any damage, if youd like.

btw I think you meant milk thistle..