Blast and cruise estrogen problems

you may want to go more aggressive and use Letro as your AI,, If you have signs of high estrogen, Letro may be the quickest way to knock it back.. caber for any prolactin issues,, then raloxifene for gyno issues
(gyno issues are either estrogen caused of prolactin caused,, blood work would be best to determine this)
A little update on my situation...

Turns out I fmixed up my trt vails and I've been taking deca instead of test e for my trt which makes perfect sense as to why no matter what AI I use it won't lower my estrogen. So I was on a trt dose of deca with hcg for 10 weeks. I stopped using that vail two weeks ago so my last real test e shot was 11 days ago.

I took caber 2.5mg last week with 100mg of real test e and 2.5mg this week. With another test e shot tonight. How long should this caber take to kick in and level me out.
A little update on my situation...

Turns out I fmixed up my trt vails and I've been taking deca instead of test e for my trt which makes perfect sense as to why no matter what AI I use it won't lower my estrogen. So I was on a trt dose of deca with hcg for 10 weeks. I stopped using that vail two weeks ago so my last real test e shot was 11 days ago.

I took caber 2.5mg last week with 100mg of real test e and 2.5mg this week. With another test e shot tonight. How long should this caber take to kick in and level me out.

I am surprised that you are having high estrogen and possibly high prolactin on a TRT dose of Deca. It aromatizes much less than testosterone. And that usually isn't enough of a dose to cause prolactin issues. Things still are not adding up right.
Well I can tell you right now I know it was deca and yes I was taking about 100mg a wk. the problem is I starting my trt right after taking 1000mg a week test e but instead it was deca . I picked up letro after arromasin doing nothing and I had to take 5mg the last 3 days...

I did however start to feel sore joints today and noticed I was way less bloated so maybe the caber is working to get it down. I just didn't know caber took this long to kick in.

My very first two cycles I never had to take more than .25mg of armidex eod. It wasn't until I touched deca that I started having all these estro problems .

I also never got rid of the lump under one nipple from deca. I cycled off before anything major grew but it's never gone anyway fully
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Yea which means it should take care of prolactin/ progesterone issues. I'm still taking letro/armidex. And nolva to stop further growth
I'm finally back to feeling really good again, only problem is I took 2.5mg of letro, 1mg of caber and 2mg of armidex today alone. My damn nipples get so big and puffy if I don't take all that AI.
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I'm finally back to feeling really good again, only problem is I took 2.5mg of letro, 1mg of caber and 2mg of armidex today alone. My damn nipples get so big and puffy if I don't take all that AI.

There is no way that anyone can run that much AI on 200mg of Test per week. Your estrogen would be in the gutter.
Well do you trust Rui? Cause I was taking 100ng of aromasin a day. Believe it, I had a tren cycle I couldn't get rid of high estro, got bloods and estro was like 10xs the max normal.

Again I have no reason to lie and this is the first time in 4 years of cycling I've had to take this much AI with so little.

Is it possible my estro is In The gutter and somehow still getting puffy nips and with no sore joints because of deca? I've taken deca before and crashed my estrogen with letro trying to get rid of gyno and I knew it right away
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Well do you trust Rui? Cause I was taking 100ng of aromasin a day. Believe it, I had a tren cycle I couldn't get rid of high estro, got bloods and estro was like 10xs the max normal.

I have never had issues myself with products from RUI.

Tren gives a false reading as estradiol if you get the ECLIA Assay. The LC/MS-MS assay for estradiol is required when one is running tren to get a true reading. Did you account for that?
No I cycled off cause the sides were to much

This was over two years ago and no one ever brought that up. I had a thread in it and spoke to austinite in pm and he was stumped
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No I cycled off cause the sides were to much

This was over two years ago and no one ever brought that up. I had a thread in it and spoke to austinite in pm and he was stumped

We know more about things now. Tren gives off a false reading as estradiol. Your E2 really wasn't that high. Get the Sensitive Assay (LC/MS-MS) next time to get a true reading.
Thanks for that heads up. I won't be doing anything if I can't get myself back to normal. This is really starting to bother me. Out of all the threads I've read on extreme high estrogen it seemed like the problem came from 19nors and then not taking caber. I'm not milking or anything so .... Maybe my caber is bunk or maybe 2.5mg a week is just not enough. Only been 2 weeks since that last deca shot so I know it's not cleared yet...

Also I have read a couple threads where guys were taking 5mg of letro and it wasn't doing anything until they got caber
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In all fairness you don't know that you actually have high estrogen, right? You still have not gotten blood work, right?
Your correct I do t have bloods to conform but going off of many other blood test I've done ii have the same exact symptoms .

Bottom line is I've taken 3 different kinds of pharma grade AIs and even bought aromasin from Rui and none of them have worked...

I've had low estro,no way in hell id be able to lift or work 12hrs a day and not be in pain
And boom........

Caber has kicked in(forgot it takes two weeks) and my estro is able to be controlled by normal amounts of AI. Yesterday 1mg adex and today 1mg. I'm sure by the end of the week I'll be done to 1mg a wk.

Either way lessons learned for myself... Once my progesterone goes up no amount of AI will help. I have also uncovered about 5 other threads very similar to Mine..except they knew they were taking deca.

So if or someone who has had gyno before... Always have caber on hand

Curious to know if anyone has got high progesterone off of test cycle only once the process of gyno starts i.e. From my memory high estro CAN lead to high prrogestone which makes prolactin and by then your shooting milk out of your nipples . Basically comes down to if your prone to gyno or not in my body