Blast and Cruise - Safe Time Between Test Only Cycles


New member
In the interest of allowing my body to adequately recover between cycles, while still minimizing my time between them. I'm curious what the opinions are of those of you ON TRT or a cruise dose between test only cycles. My goal is to continue my TRT post cycle, let the body recover, get the blood pressure back to a better spot, and simply recover properly....and then blast again. My last cycle was 12 weeks of 500pw of Test E. I'm 42 and my next cycle will be my third. What do you feel is the best time between cycles for me? I know 12 weeks for those doing PCT, but would 12 still be the rule for TRT or cruise guys? Thx for the help
If your already on trt you can blast longer then 12 weeks, also you can mix things up.. Say your were running 600 mg test for 14 weeks,, well at week 9 you could add masteron, you could go back to your trt dose of test and still be running the masteron from like weeks 9-21.. Being your on trt you always have your base compound, test.. Heck you could decide to do Var only cycle ( but you'd be taking test cause your on trt)

As far as time between blasts that's gonna depend on your body and the compounds you ran,, you don't have to worry about hpta recovery,, but things like blood pressure, hematocrit levels, liver enzyme levels.. For example if you blasted test and a bunch of EQ then you may need to donate blood a few times and wait awhile to run a blast again cause your rbc may be on the high side
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Thx Roush. That's where my head was as well. I just finished my last cycle and gave whole blood this week. I have exactly eight weeks until they will let me donate again. I'm thinking, wait the 8 wks, let my TRT doc see me in between while all my levels are normal, and blast again just after my next blood donation. I do plan to run Mast at the end of my next cycle
Sounds like a good plan.
I'm on trt as well and just started my cycle, bumped test dose up to 400,, gonna run Dbol, deca, NPP (NPP just for a few weeks to get those nandolone juices flowing faster)., to bulk for about 12-14 weeks,, then I'm dropping the test down a bit and will be using primo to cut and get ripped from weeks 12-24. Test will be just above maintenance levels to help me keep my bulking gains when doing the cut
I totally agree with Roush here. For guys on TRT it's more of a matter of keeping an eye on bloods and making sure those connective tissues have a chance to catch up. There's also the timing of your TRT bloods for your doctor - gotta make sure you're back to TRT doses of test at LEAST a month before you go in.

My .02c :)