Blast left over Hcg? Or just waste?


New member
So my first cycle is coming to an end here soon about 4 more weeks and I'm noticing that I'll have about 3000ius of Hcg left over. I was considering using it up on the first week of my 2 week waiting period before pct. Just looking for advice or comments, thanks.
Hcg should be ran from beginning of cycle up to pct @ 250 iu's twice per week. Hope that helps...
have you been running the hcg??

when are you planning on cycling again?
Yes I've been running 250ius 2x a week been doing wonders, I actually like it better than the test I notice it immediately in the gym and in the bedroom lol. I'll take probably 4 months off and it was just reconstituted so I think it wouldn't be full potency by the next cycle. Plus I don't mind buying some fresh stuff for new gear. I just was wondering if there would be any positive benefits for helping recovery of natural test or gains in first week of the two week waiting period before pct, or just let it go to waste?
I wouldn't blast it. Too much hCG can desensitize the Leydig Cells. It can also cause Intratesticular Aromatization that cannot be controlled by an aromatase Inhibitor.
Hey thanks for the replies guys. I have access to multiple medical literature sites and could not find any legit information about Hcg desensitization just some forum talk on lots of other bb website along with some 30 plus year old rat studies that are inconclusive. Do you happen to have any case studies about this megatron? Current prescribing dosages for induction of spermatogenesis is Hypogonadotropic and hypogonadism in males: 1000-2000 units 2-3 times/week (may require 2-3 months of therapy); if needed, add follitropin alfa or menopausal gonadotropin to induce spermatogenesis; continue hCG therapy at dose required to maintain testosterone levels straight from physician prescribing book medscape.
Just Google "Pubmed + hCG + Leydig" and several studies will come up. Unfortunately many of them are on rats but we have to work with what is available to us.