Blood results after 3 months. Things still not back to normal after Sus and Deca


New member
I started my first course of steroids near the end of October 2011, started off on dbols and then began using sus and deca. I know my I done my course completely wrong but I was ill advised and not until now after doing some research do I realise that. So basically i was training hard, made some decent gains and then finished my 11 week course just before the end of December below is my course:

Week 1 : dbol tablets 20mg ED.
Week 2 : dbol tablets 20mg ED.
Week 3 : dbol tablets 20mg ED.
Week 4 : dbol tablets 20mg ED. 250mg sus and 200mg deca every Sunday
Week 5 : Sus-250mg and Deca-200mg every Sunday
Week 6 : Sus-250mg and Deca-200mg every Sunday
Week 7 : Sus-250mg and Deca-200mg every Sunday
Week 8 : Sus-250mg and Deca-200mg every Sunday
Week 9 : Sus-250mg and Deca-200mg every Sunday
Week 10: Sus-500mg and Deca-200mg every Sunday. Started getting Gyno began 20mg Tamoxifen ED.
Week 11: Sus-500mg and Deca-200mg every Sunday. 20mg Tamoxifen ED


Week 12: 20mg of Tamoxifen ED
Week 13: 4 x 1200iu shots of HCG every other day. Brought balls back to full size and was shooting good loads, some sex drive but not great!
Week 14: 20 MG of Tamoxifen Every day.
Week 15: 20 MG of Tamoxifen Every day.
Week 16: 20 MG of Tamoxifen Every day.
Week 17: 20 MG of Tamoxifen Every day.
Week 18: Ran out of tamoxifen taking nothing.
Week 19: Began taking 8 x 2500iu every other day of HCG again. and 20mg of Tamoxifen every day.

Week 20: Stopped taking ALL meds. Began taking Vitamin D - 5000iu/day and Vitamin E - 1000iu/day
Week 21: Stopped taking ALL meds. Still taking Vitamin D - 5000iu/day and Vitamin E - 1000iu/day
Week 22: Stopped taking ALL meds. Still taking Vitamin D - 5000iu/day and Vitamin E - 1000iu/day
Week 23 (Current day): Stopped taking ALL meds. Still taking Vitamin D - 5000iu/day and Vitamin E - 1000iu/day

26th March 2012: Started experiencing better sex drive, morning erections but this only lasted for like a week. Could this be due to going out drinking, staying up late. Has it caused my recovery to lapse slightly?

Here is my blood work taken 20/03/2012 at approx 12:00pm GMT. I did NOT fast before bloods were taken.

Serum Testosterone: 15.0 Nmol/L (Range: 8.5-29.0 U)
Serum LH level: 3.2 u/L (Range: 1-9 U)
Serum FSH level: 1.7 u/L (Range: 2-12 U)
Serum Oestradiol level: 116 Pmol/L (Range: <200 U)
Serum Progesterone: 4.4 Nmol/L (Range: Blank on the letter i recieved)

All of these results are flagged as normal besides the FSH level which is flagged as abnormal. I also have GFR, Blood Glucose level and a Liver Function test if they are relevant?