I'm 23, I've had chronic health issues for the past 2-3 years (not due to taking any substances), I've been healthy for the past 6 months or so, before all the health issues I was about 195 6'2 @ 9% BF, i lost all that weight and dropped to 120 during the worst of the infection, I'm at 155 right now. Since all the health problems I've had trouble healing as quick as I used to after lifting. Never taken AAS, I tried osta(4 wks 12.5/20/20/20mg) 4 months ago to see if it would boost my recovery since I was having such a hard time getting back into lifting with my recovery (I was eating and sleeping right). It made a HUGE difference, I felt it shut me down a little bit(but I've never taken AAS so nothing to compare it to- just had lower libido) I've been thinking of trying it again now that my health is a lot better and I am on a solid diet and lifting program. I think SHBG might be why I'm so screwed up in my recovery, my cortisol looks a bit on the high end too?
I got bloods from my doctor I figured I'd post here:
Total T: 680 ng/dl (348-1197)
Free T: 16.8 pg/ml (9-26)
DHEA: 278.7 ug/dl (164-530)
Cortisol 15.5 ug/dl (2-19)
Estradiol 25.0 pg/ml (7-42)
SHBG 60.6 nmol/L (16-55) HIGH
I know that SHBG binds to testosterone, and apparently my SHBG is that of a 80-90 year old man, so perhaps this is why I'm recovering so slowly? Any advice? Thanks guys.
I got bloods from my doctor I figured I'd post here:
Total T: 680 ng/dl (348-1197)
Free T: 16.8 pg/ml (9-26)
DHEA: 278.7 ug/dl (164-530)
Cortisol 15.5 ug/dl (2-19)
Estradiol 25.0 pg/ml (7-42)
SHBG 60.6 nmol/L (16-55) HIGH
I know that SHBG binds to testosterone, and apparently my SHBG is that of a 80-90 year old man, so perhaps this is why I'm recovering so slowly? Any advice? Thanks guys.