Blood tests while on Cycle-


New member
Alright, so I have to get blood work done every 30 days, the doc check my liver- hepatic panel and my lipid panel. The tests are necessary because I'm on a prescription of 40mg accutane 2x daily for my acne that I've always had to deal with, but flared up moreso after my last test e cycle.

So my question is, if i were to do another cycle of test e and possibly throw in either IGF-1 LR3 or GHRP-2, what would my hepatic panel and liver panel look like when the doc reviews them? I'm afraid something would cause them to go out of whack and the doc would end my treatment of accutane early.

If the cycle would throw off my blood panels, is there any way i could get around the doc figuring out that I'm cycling? Another concern is my blood pressure being high on cycle and having to play 20 questions with him about that.. besides increasing cardio, potassium intake, lowering sodium and all that good stuff which i will be doing

Any feedback would be great, thanks in advance!
What effect did it have on your previous cycle(s)? I would expect a similar effect although the accutane introduces another variable.
Taking liver support really helps in this regard. Blood pressure only tends to be an issue if cycle doses get beyond the point where estradiol control keeps water retention at bay.

If all else fails, you're taking "acetaminophen for a nagging back spasm" and had an energy drink at breakfast. ;)
I didn't have the bloods done while i was on the previous (first) cycle, although i should have.. So i rally don;t know what the tests would have looked like compared to the test while not on cycle. Are there any tests in particular that i could casually ask the doc if he would be checking to determine whether or not he would be able to tell that I'm cycling?
As far as the BP went on my last cycle, it was definitely higher than usual, but not to the point where it was too much of a concern. Just looking to keep it more under control because i will be having my doc check it monthly.
I didn't have the bloods done while i was on the previous (first) cycle, although i should have.. So i rally don;t know what the tests would have looked like compared to the test while not on cycle. Are there any tests in particular that i could casually ask the doc if he would be checking to determine whether or not he would be able to tell that I'm cycling?
As far as the BP went on my last cycle, it was definitely higher than usual, but not to the point where it was too much of a concern. Just looking to keep it more under control because i will be having my doc check it monthly.

I would recommend postponing a cycle until you are done with your treatment. Not worth the risk.

How old are you by the way?
Conservative doses of Test E might not raise any red flags depending on your body. Some AI's will raise liver enzymes, and can either help or hinder lipid values. You just never know. Every 30 days though...damn. You can probably just skip a month or two. Honestly, the doctor probably won't care if the accutane has consistently kept your values normal. It's unlikely it's going to randomly spike one month, but it IS good to keep an eye on it.
Yeah thats what I'm beginning to think, Mega. damn I wish it wasn't so expensive to just self-administer the accutane! from what i've read, as long as I'm not running orals simultaneously then there is no real risk factor. But I'm 21
I can agree with that! I know I still have sufficient levels of test and all of that. But I'm 6'2, 220-225 and very lean. I've tried plenty of different training techniques and my diet is always on point but I don't see progress like I used to.. Just trying to give gear a shot and see what i can do with it is all!