its my understudying that a 191-AA strain of amino acids (i.e, hgh) is a 191-AA strain of amino acids . does not matter if that strain of amino acids was formulated in china, the Usa, or on Mars. its the exact same strain of Amino Acids, so long as its 191-AA .
there is not one better strain of 191-AA compared to another . its the exact same biological makeup across the board.
so if Joe sells you 100% pure 191-AA strain , then that is exactly the same as
Bob, who sells you 100% pure 191-AA strain. NO difference.
the only difference would be if Bob , takes that 191-AA staring of Amino acids (again pure HGH) and he has 100 grams of it and he decides to increase his margins can cut that pure strain with 50 grams of dry wall dust.
now its no longer JUST 191-AA amino strain . its 191-AA plus dry wall dust.
its not suddenly a 196-AA strain of amino and therefore not pure HGH . no its simply pure HGH thats been cut with drywall dust . but so long as the 191-AA is still there in pure form , then its real HGH.
no different then 99% pure fish scale coke off the boat from brazil is pure .. but that 'pure' may find its way on the streets having been cut 100 fold over with all sorts of shit . but that does NOT mean that the pure coke is still not in there somewhere , it is , its just been cut.
Where do you find the time to create such long answers to something youve never tried? Sounds good any retard can learn to make coke but hgh a fucken very delicate and amazing hormone requires someone very intelligent and it dont cost $100 try both generics and pharma then your explenatiins will be different
Roush.... what do you make of a serum hgh test at 71? Seems to good to be true to me. I'll test again real soon to substantiate these numbers
Maybe I type quick and have a good memory . Or I have desktop computers at multiple offices that are linked together to past articles and studies I've read and can easily recall shit , idk, but I'm Not a truck driver on an iPhone only to type with
So where "do I find the time" may not be that difficult for me .. Don't always have to keep my eyes on the road
Look I've been on dr prescribed hgh (at 40 years old that's easy to do) and after months of it costing me more then my mortgage payment , which is a lot (yes it's a way bigger house then rich pianna or Mike rashid lol)
and I'm not sold on "pharma" hgh . At its real cost !!
You have your experiences with shooting 28 iu of pharma hgh one night and waking up looking like a beast ,, that's great ! But that's one "trip" man , big deal . Don't hype pharma like its some super secret weapon . It's really not .
Hgh is just one small tool in the tool bag for a Bodybuilder ,, not some super secret underground in the know pharma only BS .
Baffled .. That's why I originally thought you may of been taking a shit ton of GH peptides and stumbled across the real amplifying / compounding effect of accelerating pituitary GH pulses with exogenous GH injection
You are so full of shit seriously.... With all your money and time youd think you can find a legit source. Well thx for admitting you dont know crap about hgh neither would i if i paid real prices for it. You should not pay more than $550 for a kit of seros st price. If you had run hgh you would be sold on it. And guess what it is "the secret weapon" i can tell from all your posts you dont know crap exept what you read. You think guus on olympia get that big on tren and dbol with a solid diet? Lmao were talking 20iu + i saw what 3iu does to me and 5iu and i see my friends on 7iu or more get freakishly larger. And you show how dumb you really are by comparing cocaine and hgh its alot more complicated than that. You act like a expert all you ever sgow is your traps so where is your secret weapon? Why is everyone on here around 200lbs? Thats because we cant afford real hgh dont spread more useless parroting that shit is old and only newbies are impressed by your long posts that you read somewhere....
Guess what? There is no legit studies on tren and all this other shit we take and if their is its no where near the doses that people take in real life. Guess i dont blame you nobody understands what the difference between real hgh is because they think they are saving money on generics spinning there wheels for months and months saying "i cant complain" "im getting better gains than just aas" "oh my hands are numb this stuff is soooooo gooood"
I like chasing unicorns and rainbows tooSo I feel you bro !
Just keeps hope alive that there is a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow , right .. If only 49er had access to the super secret pharma hgh,, Phil Heath would shutter
If chasing means me chasing hgh i could care less about it. But i dont down play it thats why alot of knowledgeable guys dont post about what they do here because they get crucified by all the copy and paste experts. Hgh will take anyone to a whole new level than whats possible with aas its literally genetics in a bottle but very very pricey to mega dose it. But even 5iu will change anybodys body and make it look real real good.
I agree 100%..
But too many newbs hear Human GROWTH hormone and think it's magic .. It's not ,, it's a sophisticated science and dosing protocol and synergy with multiple aminos, insulin factors , biological functions etc etc etc .
Human GROWTH hormone ,, the words themselves expel thoughts of muscle mass .
But it's a unicorn newbie myth unless you have a shit ton of knowledge about what and why your doing what with it .
It's not a magic drug
Maybe I type quick and have a good memory . Or I have desktop computers at multiple offices that are linked together to past articles and studies I've read and can easily recall shit , idk, but I'm Not a truck driver on an iPhone only to type with
So where "do I find the time" may not be that difficult for me .. Don't always have to keep my eyes on the road
Look I've been on dr prescribed hgh (at 40 years old that's easy to do) and after months of it costing me more then my mortgage payment , which is a lot (yes it's a way bigger house then rich pianna or Mike rashid lol)
and I'm not sold on "pharma" hgh . At its real cost !!
You have your experiences with shooting 28 iu of pharma hgh one night and waking up looking like a beast ,, that's great ! But that's one "trip" man , big deal . Don't hype pharma like its some super secret weapon . It's really not .
Hgh is just one small tool in the tool bag for a Bodybuilder ,, not some super secret underground in the know pharma only BS .
Mother of god that's high. I know our Eurotropins are solid.....but there has to be some kind of error or other factors at play here. I've seen mid to high 30's on the Eurotropins from a few, but mostly mid 20's. I'd get a retest. Gotta be a misread. Try to keep any possible variables out of the equation like mk-677 and such.Last week I used privatemdlabs male hormone panel and added serum growth hormone as I've been on eurotropin hgh 2.5 iu 2x/day since July. I'll post the values out of the normal parameters
Rbc 6.73. 4.14-5.8
Hemotocrit. 53.3 37.5-51%
Mch 26.3 26.6-33
Rdw. 16.2. 12.3- 15.4%
Glucose. 105 65-99
Ast. 42 0-40
Alt. 63 0-44
Hdl. 22. >39
LDL. 134. 0-99.
T4. 4.4. 4.5-12
T3 uptake. 42. 24-39
TT. >1500
%free test. 7.35. 1.5-4.2
igf-1. 223. 67-205
Growth H serum. 71.8 0-10
Since I've heard about the relationship with t4 and hgh I've added t4 100mcg/day
Although I miss a day here and there, and it looks like I missed that day I tested although maybe not the liquid rui t3
PSA tests were same as last time 0.6
Hgh serum was surprisingly high. I inj 10 iu eurotropin IM 3.5 hours pre test
Well....the theory or understanding is, that HGH can be improperly synthesized. While the amino acid chain may be correct (191aa), there could be "dead" GH molecules that are improperly shaped to fit the receptors, but still maintain the same molecular weight and makeup. This can be the result of rushed manufacturing, improper removal of bi-products and chemical contaminants used in the manufacturing process, and mishandling of the raw ingredients (HGH is a very delicate peptide). So while the blood test may detect high levels of HGH in the blood.....not all of it may be properly formed to be used by the body. The blood test can't detect whether the molecule is "dead" or not.its my understudying that a 191-AA strain of amino acids (i.e, hgh) is a 191-AA strain of amino acids . does not matter if that strain of amino acids was formulated in china, the Usa, or on Mars. its the exact same strain of Amino Acids, so long as its 191-AA .
there is not one better strain of 191-AA compared to another . its the exact same biological makeup across the board.
so if Joe sells you 100% pure 191-AA strain , then that is exactly the same as
Bob, who sells you 100% pure 191-AA strain. NO difference.
the only difference would be if Bob , takes that 191-AA staring of Amino acids (again pure HGH) and he has 100 grams of it and he decides to increase his margins can cut that pure strain with 50 grams of dry wall dust.
now its no longer JUST 191-AA amino strain . its 191-AA plus dry wall dust.
its not suddenly a 196-AA strain of amino and therefore not pure HGH . no its simply pure HGH thats been cut with drywall dust . but so long as the 191-AA is still there in pure form , then its real HGH.
no different then 99% pure fish scale coke off the boat from brazil is pure .. but that 'pure' may find its way on the streets having been cut 100 fold over with all sorts of shit . but that does NOT mean that the pure coke is still not in there somewhere , it is , its just been cut.
Mother of god that's high. I know our Eurotropins are solid.....but there has to be some kind of error or other factors at play here. I've seen mid to high 30's on the Eurotropins from a few, but mostly mid 20's. I'd get a retest. Gotta be a misread. Try to keep any possible variables out of the equation like mk-677 and such.
Igf-1 looks good. About a 30% variation above the max on 5iu is solid. Although, a baseline igf-1 reading would better help us know the actual increase from baseline. But either the charts on 5iu, wouldn't be upset with that
Well....the theory or understanding is, that HGH can be improperly synthesized. While the amino acid chain may be correct (191aa), there could be "dead" GH molecules that are improperly shaped to fit the receptors, but still maintain the same molecular weight and makeup. This can be the result of rushed manufacturing, improper removal of bi-products and chemical contaminants used in the manufacturing process, and mishandling of the raw ingredients (HGH is a very delicate peptide). So while the blood test may detect high levels of HGH in the blood.....not all of it may be properly formed to be used by the body. The blood test can't detect whether the molecule is "dead" or not.
Again....this is just a theory, or even bro-science if you will. But it seems to be the general consensus.
All this talk of hgh latley has really got me wanting to get my hands on some