Blood work on Test Prop (kind of a newb question)


New member
I'll be embarking on a journey with PSL very soon. I always get blood work mid cycle, but i've only done it with medium esters (enth, cyp). Let's say for example, 500mg/week of cyp or enth puts my TT around 3500ng/dL. Now lets say I ran prop at the same dosage. Would/should my TT levels be around the same number? Or would prop be different due to the short ester and lower peak blood levels? I know in the long run i'm getting the same amount of hormone, but with prop, the total blood levels don't build up as high so would this effect the numbers on my blood results?

Good question. I would like to know as we'll. you would think that it really depends on last time of injection of prop in relation to time of bloods drawn since it's a shorter ester.
I would say no more then 6-8 hours after pin after 2 weeks of being on. You pinning ED or EOD?

ED man. I can figure out the timing, my question is if the TT results will read as high as a longer ester. Considering longer esters build up to a higher level in the blood stream. My first post explains my question better.
Test = test = test = test. The half-lives of the esters is all that changes. Prop should give you the same levels at the same dosage (per week) that Enth or Cyp would give you. Only difference is how fast you reach those saturation levels. And obviously prop will very a bit more because of its ester.
Test = test = test = test. The half-lives of the esters is all that changes. Prop should give you the same levels at the same dosage (per week) that Enth or Cyp would give you. Only difference is how fast you reach those saturation levels. And obviously prop will very a bit more because of its ester.

Right, but with prop it's faster in, but also faster out. It appears the PCT calculator link is down but when it was up and you plugged in prop as opposed to enth or cyp, it never reached the same saturation levels because it left the body much faster. Whereas enth and cyp compiled over 4 weeks and overall levels were much higher in the system, although most of it was still attached to the ester. So assuming this, the only way the levels could possibly be the same for TT, is if the test only registered the active test and not the test still attached to the ester.
Right, but with prop it's faster in, but also faster out. It appears the PCT calculator link is down but when it was up and you plugged in prop as opposed to enth or cyp, it never reached the same saturation levels because it left the body much faster. Whereas enth and cyp compiled over 4 weeks and overall levels were much higher in the system, although most of it was still attached to the ester. So assuming this, the only way the levels could possibly be the same for TT, is if the test only registered the active test and not the test still attached to the ester.

While I'm not sure how they do their calculations, I would assume if you took it within the same window during the half life after reaching saturation levels they would be damn near identical. I can't find any information stating that the longer the ester the higher the values. Otherwise all docs would be prescribing Undecanoate
Just to be sure, test attached to the ester is unable to be used by the body yet, correct? So essentially the TT is misleading in that it is not the total AVAILABLE T, just the total T in all forms in the body (usable or not).
Just to be sure, test attached to the ester is unable to be used by the body yet, correct? So essentially the TT is misleading in that it is not the total AVAILABLE T, just the total T in all forms in the body (usable or not).

Correct, but does the blood test register the test that's still attached? If so, I would think the TT would be lower than using a long ester because there's less total test in your system at any given time even though the same amount of total T goes through your system per week. My head hurts lol. Thanks for the replies so far guys.

Anyone actually know the answer to this?
Correct, but does the blood test register the test that's still attached? If so, I would think the TT would be lower than using a long ester because there's less total test in your system at any given time even though the same amount of total T goes through your system per week. My head hurts lol. Thanks for the replies so far guys.

Anyone actually know the answer to this?

I've been trying to locate a thread with mid prop cycle bloods attached, haven't had any lucky yet. I'm at work so haven't really the time, but if you find one like that you should be able to figure it out.
I really don't think it's the "attached" test that gets picked up in the TT. steriodplot dot com kinda gives an idea of what's going on. I think my swings (high to low) are less on test prop eod than test cyp 2x/week.

I wrote some shitty little script program to predict this but I got nailed by my TRT doc a while maybe I'm full of shit.
I've been trying to locate a thread with mid prop cycle bloods attached, haven't had any lucky yet. I'm at work so haven't really the time, but if you find one like that you should be able to figure it out.

Trying to find one'd think there would be a ton?
My mid cycle (4 weeks in) of prop bloods at 600mg a week came in at 4553. Bloods were taken ~6 hours after pin.

Why didn't you mention that earlier bro? LOL That's all I needed to hear my man. So blood work should show the same TT levels with prop as it would with cyp or enth.
Thanks bud.
4 weeks in for bloodwork using Test prop is pretty much the standard.

Thanks growth. The timing isn't the issue. I was curious if the TT levels on a blood test would be the same with prop as with enth or cyp. My thought was that since prop doesn't build up as high of a concentration in the blood, the TT readings may be lower.
Why didn't you mention that earlier bro? LOL That's all I needed to hear my man. So blood work should show the same TT levels with prop as it would with cyp or enth.
Thanks bud.

Hah, I could post full results if you would like :) I guess I didn't even think about it..
Of course a lot of things play into TT blood results. Height, weight, dosage/purity of what your putting in, (Age I think too)

If it helps for reference data, i'm 5'11 213lbs, ~14% bf.