Blood work related................


I am ******!
Is 20 points above normal considered horrible for alt? I just tested 2 months ago it was great. I took alot of shit 3.5 weeks ago guess i havent recovered
have you been doing extremely high volume and heavy wight training over the last few weeks ?
if your training fairly heavy and did not take a de-load or week off before your blood test ,, ALT and AST levels can be elevated and really read high on a blood test (un related to your actual liver though) .

best to get blood work done and liver values checked on a period of down time and after a de-load .. not sure if thats what you did or not. blood test during high metabolic stress and heavy training are going to be off
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have you been doing extremely high volume and heavy wight training over the last few weeks ?
if your training fairly heavy and did not take a de-load or week off before your blood test ,, ALT and AST levels can be elevated and really read high on a blood test (un related to your actual liver though) .

best to get blood work done and liver values checked on a period of down time and after a de-load .. not sure if thats what you did or not. blood test during high metabolic stress and heavy training are going to be off

Havent done shit in 3.5 weeks can ibuprofen effect? I have a bad strain so been kicking it
elevated ALT is a direct side effect listed for ibuprofen use (Too much ibuprofen causes a rise in the production of alanine aminotransferase) .. how many MG a day , script or over the counter ?
elevated ALT is a direct side effect listed for ibuprofen use .. how many MG a day , script or over the counter ?

Script 400mg and i have taken 2 at times id say thats part of my problem ill post pic but since 2 months ago my score has jumped 40 or 50 points wich puts me 20 over now
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Ok so my seafood diet isnt exactly good for me lol heres my cholestrol for those that know i need some advice to improve it and also how bad would you consider it? Im 38 yrs old by the way.View attachment 565615
Guess i shouldn't be such a dick and id get more help lol i dont know much about bloodwork never had issues till now
Ok so my seafood diet isnt exactly good for me lol heres my cholestrol for those that know i need some advice to improve it and also how bad would you consider it? Im 38 yrs old by the way.View attachment 565615

consume more monounsaturated and Omega 3 and 6 fats .. take supplements, or eat more salmon, avacodes, olives (or oil) , nuts , macadamia nut oil, etc.

also , don't stress it too much . modern research is showing that cholesterol levels are really not a good measure of health (used to be a big deal if you had high bad cholesterol and low good) , but its not . its actually cholesterol particle size that is the health indicator . you can get a particle size test done to be certain .. but people with so called "bad" cholesterol get particle size tests done and the test shows all is perfectly fine.

and heart disease is also being shown to be un-related to cholesterol levels. the build of 'plaque' and clogging of arteries is more closely associated with sugar and inflammation, then it is from saturated fats.
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Script 400mg and i have taken 2 at times id say thats part of my problem ill post pic but since 2 months ago my score has jumped 40 or 50 points wich puts me 20 over now

Ibuprofen at high dosages works good for injuries in high blood flow areas, but 2 weeks is all you need to take it for .. if you have a problem in a low blood flow area (like a disc in your back) , its pretty much a waste.

if you been on it for more then 2 weeks I'd stop taking it now.