Blood work results... Can anyone help?


New member
Sorry i keep posting about this but nobody is helping and i'm in full panic mode.

Started cycle at 184lbs 8 weeks ago of Test E 400mg/wk and Deca 400mg/wk, .5mg Arimidex EOD

week 5... no weight gain, began getting extreme anxiety, night sweats, fell in love with some girl i never cared about before

week 6... depressed not eating, weighed in at 174 Thought my E2 levels were too low and thought i had deca dick so i dropped the Adex, dropped the deca, got blood work, waited on results. Went soft on a girl and have been extremely emotional and depressed. upped my test to 600mg/ wk began taking caber at .5mg ed for 3 days then .25 mg twice a week going forward. nipples have always had lumps but now they are beginning to get sensitive

week 8... test E @ 600mg/wk... back to 185lbs since i've been forcing myself to eat finally. still depressed kind of, anxiety attacks, inability to maintain erections, low libido, emotions extremely female, getting super attached to people. Running Caber at .25mg 2x per week and cialis isn't working cuz i have no libido... Im freaking out. nipples still slightly itchy/sensitive, not that bad though.

BLOOD WORK RESULTS: (from week 6. I've since been off Adex, and taking caber)
Total Test: 5645 ng/mL
Estradiol: 109.7 Normal Range: 7.6 - 42.6
Prolactin: 17.5 Normal Range: 4.0 - 15.2

all others were normal ranges... please help, i thought my estrogen was too low so i got off my AI and found out it was too high 2 weeks later... so GOD knows how high it is now after rebound...i wake up every day just wanting to sleep and bitch about my girl problems and I'm literally unable to control this anxiety. i know i sound like a puss i miss being a cocky asshole who didn't care, but now everything is in my head. I don't really get morning wood but when i get an erection (which is rare) it will get all the way up if i try or just kinda be at 70%. Is this fixable? i have arimidex, nolvadex, and Aromasin on hand i'm ready to take any advice. Bloodwork will be done again next week on tuesday, and i've been referred to an endocrinologist but that could take weeks. i need to make a move now.
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Did you start pct and how long has it been since you dropped the test? Did you run hcg? Btw i ran test e at 750mg wk deca 400mg week for 22 weeks no pct dick didnt work for a yr but it came back if you follow a proper pct protocol you should be fine hopefully.
i'm still on test and running test for another 6 weeks... i need an on-cycle fix. not ready to drop my test levels with estrogen this high.
Adex works pretty quick but I have to wonder if the Adex you have works at all (maybe that's what started this mess). I'm thinking you should order some more from RUI ASAP. I'm hesitant to advise you on dosage because I just don't have any experience with high E. Maybe start nolva and take a mg of Adex while the new stuff shows up. RUI is fast that is why I mentioned them.
I have all my stuff from RUI... @gynopuff what did you mean by your dick didn't work for a year? like literally Zero erections or just difficulties? my dick still works just not always when i want it to.
0.25mg of adex EOD should bring you back down. As far as all the stuff you're going through mentally, I'm going to take a wild guess here and ask how old you are.

I'm not going to lecture you if you're young, but what you're going through is something I tend to see in young guys that don't quite have their mental game together yet - so AAS can really amplify this. ALL AAS can change the way we think/act to an extent, but you're all over the place given your cycle and blood work results.

Stick to the AI, and calm down. Your mind is VERY powerful, and if you continue looking for something to be wrong, your mind WILL make it real. However, if you take a little mental hiatus and relax, you may realize that you're okay and all these scary side effects will dissipate.

Going soft during sex as well as lacking the ability to get an erection CAN be hormonal; but your mind can do this too. I don't know how many other guys remember their first time getting it on with a female, but I know I was scared shitless, and had problems myself - until I calmed down and just enjoyed the ride. I don't think this is much different given your results.

My .02c :)
halfwit, I just turned 19 a month ago i know i'm a dumbass football player who wanted to compete in college.... I think it is all in my head dude i'm literally reading up on all these Deca Dick scare stories of people not recovering for 5+ years and i get crazy anxious... i actually just started taking aromasin do you recommend i stop this and do Adex? the Adex clearly didn't work at .5mg eod because my blood work showed 109.2. I just haven't been able to go along with my daily functions anymore i need to figure out a way to tell myself i'm gunna be okay. That really helped though thank you for the reality check.
So you're taking .5mg adex eod and you're e2 is still that high? And your TT is in the 5,000's on 400mg of test? My guess is your deca is also test, and not deca because your TT is wayy high for your dose and your e2 should not shoot that high with 400mg test and .5mg adex eod. Just my thoughts.
halfwit, I just turned 19 a month ago i know i'm a dumbass football player who wanted to compete in college.... I think it is all in my head dude i'm literally reading up on all these Deca Dick scare stories of people not recovering for 5+ years and i get crazy anxious... i actually just started taking aromasin do you recommend i stop this and do Adex? the Adex clearly didn't work at .5mg eod because my blood work showed 109.2. I just haven't been able to go along with my daily functions anymore i need to figure out a way to tell myself i'm gunna be okay. That really helped though thank you for the reality check.

I kind of figured based on your full-on panic mode. I think the question you need to ask yourself is whether or not you feel it's worth it to continue, or chalk this one up to a life lesson - and PCT.

If you decide you want to continue, you're going to want to do two things:

1. Bump that dose of aromasin up to 25mg ED. Adex is fine, but if you want to try asin, that's OK too. Just be prepared to up the dose if you notice water retention in your ankles/face or sore/itchy nipples. Do NOT play with your nipples when trying to determine this - just wearing a t-shirt will be enough.

2. You need to calm down and realize that a huge amount of this is in your head. You put something in your body, and you KNOW it; so you're constantly looking for something to be wrong.

Deca dick is real, but it should be renamed prolactin dick as that's really what messes with your Johnson. Even with an estradiol in the 100's, I'd be surprised if you will experience it, unless you're very sensitive to prolactin. If you're calm, and Mr Happy doesn't want to cooperate when seeing that special lady, cialis and caber/pramipexole will make him listen.

I would recommend you abort this cycle as there are worse consequences potentially than a limp willy while on, but you're fully capable of making that decision on your own.

I do wish you the best of luck, and want you to remember one important thing (former football player myself): size and strength can be developed, heart and talent cannot.