Sorry i keep posting about this but nobody is helping and i'm in full panic mode.
Started cycle at 184lbs 8 weeks ago of Test E 400mg/wk and Deca 400mg/wk, .5mg Arimidex EOD
week 5... no weight gain, began getting extreme anxiety, night sweats, fell in love with some girl i never cared about before
week 6... depressed not eating, weighed in at 174 Thought my E2 levels were too low and thought i had deca dick so i dropped the Adex, dropped the deca, got blood work, waited on results. Went soft on a girl and have been extremely emotional and depressed. upped my test to 600mg/ wk began taking caber at .5mg ed for 3 days then .25 mg twice a week going forward. nipples have always had lumps but now they are beginning to get sensitive
week 8... test E @ 600mg/wk... back to 185lbs since i've been forcing myself to eat finally. still depressed kind of, anxiety attacks, inability to maintain erections, low libido, emotions extremely female, getting super attached to people. Running Caber at .25mg 2x per week and cialis isn't working cuz i have no libido... Im freaking out. nipples still slightly itchy/sensitive, not that bad though.
BLOOD WORK RESULTS: (from week 6. I've since been off Adex, and taking caber)
Total Test: 5645 ng/mL
Estradiol: 109.7 Normal Range: 7.6 - 42.6
Prolactin: 17.5 Normal Range: 4.0 - 15.2
all others were normal ranges... please help, i thought my estrogen was too low so i got off my AI and found out it was too high 2 weeks later... so GOD knows how high it is now after rebound...i wake up every day just wanting to sleep and bitch about my girl problems and I'm literally unable to control this anxiety. i know i sound like a puss i miss being a cocky asshole who didn't care, but now everything is in my head. I don't really get morning wood but when i get an erection (which is rare) it will get all the way up if i try or just kinda be at 70%. Is this fixable? i have arimidex, nolvadex, and Aromasin on hand i'm ready to take any advice. Bloodwork will be done again next week on tuesday, and i've been referred to an endocrinologist but that could take weeks. i need to make a move now.
Started cycle at 184lbs 8 weeks ago of Test E 400mg/wk and Deca 400mg/wk, .5mg Arimidex EOD
week 5... no weight gain, began getting extreme anxiety, night sweats, fell in love with some girl i never cared about before
week 6... depressed not eating, weighed in at 174 Thought my E2 levels were too low and thought i had deca dick so i dropped the Adex, dropped the deca, got blood work, waited on results. Went soft on a girl and have been extremely emotional and depressed. upped my test to 600mg/ wk began taking caber at .5mg ed for 3 days then .25 mg twice a week going forward. nipples have always had lumps but now they are beginning to get sensitive
week 8... test E @ 600mg/wk... back to 185lbs since i've been forcing myself to eat finally. still depressed kind of, anxiety attacks, inability to maintain erections, low libido, emotions extremely female, getting super attached to people. Running Caber at .25mg 2x per week and cialis isn't working cuz i have no libido... Im freaking out. nipples still slightly itchy/sensitive, not that bad though.
BLOOD WORK RESULTS: (from week 6. I've since been off Adex, and taking caber)
Total Test: 5645 ng/mL
Estradiol: 109.7 Normal Range: 7.6 - 42.6
Prolactin: 17.5 Normal Range: 4.0 - 15.2
all others were normal ranges... please help, i thought my estrogen was too low so i got off my AI and found out it was too high 2 weeks later... so GOD knows how high it is now after rebound...i wake up every day just wanting to sleep and bitch about my girl problems and I'm literally unable to control this anxiety. i know i sound like a puss i miss being a cocky asshole who didn't care, but now everything is in my head. I don't really get morning wood but when i get an erection (which is rare) it will get all the way up if i try or just kinda be at 70%. Is this fixable? i have arimidex, nolvadex, and Aromasin on hand i'm ready to take any advice. Bloodwork will be done again next week on tuesday, and i've been referred to an endocrinologist but that could take weeks. i need to make a move now.
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