Bloods came back. 630 Estro


New member
I broke out like crazy on my back towards the end of my cycle of a simple 500 T.E P/WK, started feeling like shit etc,etc etc. Needless to say my test was at 430 and my estro was at 630.

Wondering if I should cruise 150mg T with an AI or only on blasts?

Also might try PCT and a hard recovery after dealing with this high estrogen it has been killer, shit workouts, missing gym days consecutively, not leaving house, etc..

Completely at a loss of words of seeing that high of an estro level ( and mentally you get FUCKED )

40 - 115 PG/ML

feel free to comment away my bois
ok so did you do an Ai during this test cycle? you need to post your LH, FSH, free test, test, prolactin, so on and so forth. which panel did you get?
you also should post your stats, age, weight, height, bf%, cycle history. what is your definition of a hard recovery?
where is your hcg?
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ok so did you do an Ai during this test cycle? you need to post your LH, FSH, free test, so on and so forth. which panel did you get?
you also should post your stats, age, weight, height, bf%, cycle history. what is your definition of a hard recovery?
where is your hcg?

who told you that you can cruise at 150mg on test?

I would like to know also. Hey OP not getting on you but some of your info is not right. And will you please give us you stats and history.
Thanks and Good

I would like to know also. Hey OP not getting on you but some of your info is not right. And will you please give us you stats and history.
Thanks and Good


Hey , just typed out a response but am in office and service was lost

I will be back to the computer in about 2 hours, I have about 9 pages of complete blood work that I will check out when I’m home and get back to you guys.
I definitely want to help the next guy not make a mistake because high estro was killer. Migraines for 45 mins with an ice pack and tons of Advil + can’t open my left eye as it’s tearing or open my phone etc that’s how bad migraines were.

I greatly appreciate y’all and I will get back to this in 2 hours when I’m near my computer with anything you guys need.
ok so did you do an Ai during this test cycle? you need to post your LH, FSH, free test, so on and so forth. which panel did you get?
you also should post your stats, age, weight, height, bf%, cycle history. what is your definition of a hard recovery?
where is your hcg?

No HCG used - and I will get back to you guys on the rest in about 2 hours when I am home near a computer.

Edit : hard recovery as in idk if I PCT that I will regain T function and I don’t want to go through these crazy hormonal changes anymore.

Also I understand excess T converts to E but this isn’t always the case? Some do not bother using an AI throughout cycles and I did not in the past and was fine.

Thank you
No HCG used - and I will get back to you guys on the rest in about 2 hours when I am home near a computer.

Edit : hard recovery as in idk if I PCT that I will regain T function and I don***8217;t want to go through these crazy hormonal changes anymore.

Also I understand excess T converts to E but this isn***8217;t always the case? Some do not bother using an AI throughout cycles and I did not in the past and was fine.

Thank you

To Ai or not to Ai, that is the question. some do and some dont. id rather do it to avoid sides personally and stay dialed into it via labs.
Hows the wife/gf handling your high E2 levels? can you get mr. Winky up and running?

Mr winky was having technical difficulties when I got those blood results (1 month ago)

Winky only seems to like the mornings

I’ll be back to computer to answer those other questions Inc a half hour or so, lol
I broke out like crazy on my back towards the end of my cycle of a simple 500 T.E P/WK, started feeling like shit etc,etc etc. Needless to say my test was at 430 and my estro was at 630.

Wondering if I should cruise 150mg T with an AI or only on blasts?

Also might try PCT and a hard recovery after dealing with this high estrogen it has been killer, shit workouts, missing gym days consecutively, not leaving house, etc..

Completely at a loss of words of seeing that high of an estro level ( and mentally you get FUCKED )

40 - 115 PG/ML

feel free to comment away my bois

hey do you till have acne issues on your back? if you do just go to a tanning saloon and get a tan. the rays kill the bacteria that causes it. and also please post your lab results as main man said above. ^^^^
who told you that you can cruise at 150mg on test?

ok so did you do an Ai during this test cycle? you need to post your LH, FSH, free test, test, prolactin, so on and so forth. which panel did you get?
you also should post your stats, age, weight, height, bf%, cycle history. what is your definition of a hard recovery?
where is your hcg?

Free Test - 39.9
Test - 431
Estrogen - 630 (40-115pg/ml) - still confused on the pg/ml
RBC - 5.46
Hemoglobin - 17.3
Hematocrit - 50.2

I don't have Prolactin, LH , or FSH on this series of blood work. Going forward I will make sure to include it on the blood work.

I would like to know also. Hey OP not getting on you but some of your info is not right. And will you please give us you stats and history.
Thanks and Good

6FT 185

Fucked up my test at a young age (18) doing M1T and following the guidance of some moron bodybuilder. So now here I am years later.

Edit: I'd also like to mention all of this info goes through my physician who monitors my levels. I can go in for blood work at any time. I understand LH and FSH is important.
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hey do you till have acne issues on your back? if you do just go to a tanning saloon and get a tan. the rays kill the bacteria that causes it. and also please post your lab results as main man said above. ^^^^

Have been slacking on tanning, definitely do though.

Also, I didn't have any breakout until my E went through the roof. Then once it calms down theres no new flare ups etc (like now)

I haven't taken a shot in a month B/C I was afraid of my Estro going up again.

If I go back to 125MG/WK cruising should I be worried about aromatization? I don't want all my precious T going to E

Also wondering about using an AI while cruising. Lots of questions, lots of worries, probably because my hormones resemble that of a 50 year old woman going through menopause :Pat:
Have been slacking on tanning, definitely do though.

Also, I didn't have any breakout until my E went through the roof. Then once it calms down theres no new flare ups etc (like now)

I haven't taken a shot in a month B/C I was afraid of my Estro going up again.

If I go back to 125MG/WK cruising should I be worried about aromatization? I don't want all my precious T going to E

Also wondering about using an AI while cruising. Lots of questions, lots of worries, probably because my hormones resemble that of a 50 year old woman going through menopause :Pat:

aromatisation starts whenever you introduce any amount of test into your system.
Free Test - 39.9
Test - 431
Estrogen - 630 (40-115pg/ml) - still confused on the pg/ml
RBC - 5.46
Hemoglobin - 17.3
Hematocrit - 50.2

I don't have Prolactin, LH , or FSH on this series of blood work. Going forward I will make sure to include it on the blood work.

6FT 185

Fucked up my test at a young age (18) doing M1T and following the guidance of some moron bodybuilder. So now here I am years later.

Edit: I'd also like to mention all of this info goes through my physician who monitors my levels. I can go in for blood work at any time. I understand LH and FSH is important.

sorry to be a pain but can you post the ranges to your numbers? thanks
Free Test - 39.9
Test - 431
Estrogen - 630 (40-115pg/ml) - still confused on the pg/ml
RBC - 5.46
Hemoglobin - 17.3
Hematocrit - 50.2

I don't have Prolactin, LH , or FSH on this series of blood work. Going forward I will make sure to include it on the blood work.

6FT 185

Fucked up my test at a young age (18) doing M1T and following the guidance of some moron bodybuilder. So now here I am years later.

Edit: I'd also like to mention all of this info goes through my physician who monitors my levels. I can go in for blood work at any time. I understand LH and FSH is important.

thats cool that you can go in for blood works at any time, and Id like to ring that moron bodybuilder' neck who fu**ed up your test levels at age 18.
If i had a dollar for every time ive heard a newbie say that some bodybuilder told him to take this or that and messed up his system, id have around 400 dollars.
Id find him, and give him a good couple of hard kicks in his nuts, its about the same that he did to you bro so what comes around goes around.
if you like you can go through his wallet while hes doubled over in screaming agony and take what he has to pay for your recovery expenses and mental cruelty time for his ill advice.
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so your estrogen is higher than your test but your test is still low? you're basically a woman now!
so your estrogen is higher than your test but your test is still low? you're basically a woman now!

Well thats why I am trying to figure out a good AI dosage, figure out if i should PCT and try to recover, etc etc
Well thats why I am trying to figure out a good AI dosage, figure out if i should PCT and try to recover, etc etc

Post Cycle Therapy actually starts from the beginning of the cycle... To ensure recovery during post cycle therapy (pct), HCG is used to keep the leydig cells of the testes functioning throughout the cycle so that shutdown doesn't happen... Each shot of HCG triggers a peak output in 72hrs... taking shots sooner then 72hrs can run the risk of overstimulation which can impede their output... Clinical studies do take shots every 48hrs but for our use I would prefer to err on the side of caution... anyway for our needs taking the shots e3d or 2 X a week works great... but I must say that e3d is optimal... HCG needs to be started from the beginning of the cycle, contrary to what most guys believe, shutdown starts when they take their first steroid shot and the body quickly notices an androgen and starts to shutdown its production of Test... Waiting longer to start runs the risk that partial shutdown happens and not all the leydig cells will respond.