Bloods came back. 630 Estro

Well thats why I am trying to figure out a good AI dosage, figure out if i should PCT and try to recover, etc etc
jesus christ, you're trying to figure out a good AI dose? thats like saying "i'm dehydrated and trying to figure out how much water to drink".

take an entire arimidex or aromasin every day for a week bro...
Post Cycle Therapy actually starts from the beginning of the cycle... To ensure recovery during post cycle therapy (pct), HCG is used to keep the leydig cells of the testes functioning throughout the cycle so that shutdown doesn't happen... Each shot of HCG triggers a peak output in 72hrs... taking shots sooner then 72hrs can run the risk of overstimulation which can impede their output... Clinical studies do take shots every 48hrs but for our use I would prefer to err on the side of caution... anyway for our needs taking the shots e3d or 2 X a week works great... but I must say that e3d is optimal... HCG needs to be started from the beginning of the cycle, contrary to what most guys believe, shutdown starts when they take their first steroid shot and the body quickly notices an androgen and starts to shutdown its production of Test... Waiting longer to start runs the risk that partial shutdown happens and not all the leydig cells will respond.

Do you recommend I run another cycle after just being on 1 mo ago? (I'm cruising) and start this cycle with HCG and run proper PCT after?
Do you recommend I run another cycle after just being on 1 mo ago? (I'm cruising) and start this cycle with HCG and run proper PCT after?

your current blood evels would have to be considered and adjusted before cycles if needed.
your current blood evels would have to be considered and adjusted before cycles if needed.

Should I take .5 arimidex EOD - get blood work in two weeks - start cycle with HCG included 12wk - do proper PCT - then check lvls again from scratch?
To "x9".

You need to get the LC/MS-MS version aka "Sensitive Estradiol", and Not the ECLIA Method, which is what you had done.

The ECLIA Method can be Skewed quite easily, and is Often Inaccurate as Hell............................... JP
Don't know WTF you were injecting, but it wasn't Testosterone.
Not if you are getting only 430 Ng/dl on 500 Mg of Test a week.
You should have a Minimum of 2,500 Ng/dl on 500 Mg of Test
To "x9".

You need to get the LC/MS-MS version aka "Sensitive Estradiol", and Not the ECLIA Method, which is what you had done.

The ECLIA Method can be Skewed quite easily, and is Often Inaccurate as Hell............................... JP
Don't know WTF you were injecting, but it wasn't Testosterone.
Not if you are getting only 430 Ng/dl on 500 Mg of Test a week.
You should have a Minimum of 2,500 Ng/dl on 500 Mg of Test

What else would cause me to get 630 Estrogen?

LC/MS-MS version of what?
What else would cause me to get 630 Estrogen?

LC/MS-MS version of what?

Nothing that I'm aware of should cause a 630 Estro Reading.
Even Trenbolone, which is known to Skew the ECLIA Estradiol Test, doesn't usually read this high.
Unless you are doing a Boatload of Tren per week.

The LC/MS-MS Version of the Estradiol Test.
It's also known as the Sensitive Estradiol Test depending on which Lab you are using............................... JP
ECLIA ~ Electrochemiluminescence Immunoassay ~ Not Very Reliable for Testing Estrogen (Estradiol).
LC/MS-MS ~ Liquid Chromatography Mass Spectrometry ~ most Labs use the LC/MS, some use the better LC/MS-MS which is an additional use of the Mass Spectrometer after the 1st run through
Nothing that I'm aware of should cause a 630 Estro Reading.
Even Trenbolone, which is known to Skew the ECLIA Estradiol Test, doesn't usually read this high.
Unless you are doing a Boatload of Tren per week.

The LC/MS-MS Version of the Estradiol Test.
It's also known as the Sensitive Estradiol Test depending on which Lab you are using............................... JP
ECLIA ~ Electrochemiluminescence Immunoassay ~ Not Very Reliable for Testing Estrogen (Estradiol).
LC/MS-MS ~ Liquid Chromatography Mass Spectrometry ~ most Labs use the LC/MS, some use the better LC/MS-MS which is an additional use of the Mass Spectrometer after the 1st run through

I went through a physicians blood work. I'm very confused with all of this. 630 is crazy.

Are you saying I need to ask for a more sensitive one?

I just got my AI and all on hand so I'm even unsure where to start the dosage.
I went through a physicians blood work. I'm very confused with all of this. 630 is crazy.

Are you saying I need to ask for a more sensitive one?

I just got my AI and all on hand so I'm even unsure where to start the dosage.

It doesn't matter who ordered the Test.
It does matter which Test was ordered.

Most Doctors are still using the Older, Less Reliable ~ ECLIA method for testing.

Tell your Doctor that you need the LC/MS Version of the Estradiol Test.

Honestly ~ your Doctor should have Retested you when he saw this result.............................. JP
Without the Proper Range on your Estradiol, it's difficult to recommend a Dose.
You need to get Retested, then possibly increase your AI dose from the starting dosage.
Then after 2 Weeks of taking your AI, get Retested and see if you are back In-Range.

I would probably start @ 1 Mg EOD for Arimidex.
And 25 Mg EOD for Aromasin.

Aromasin would be the Better Choice as you don't need to worry about Estrogen Rebound if you Stop Suddenly.
It's a Suicidal Inhibitor, so it makes a Permanent Bond to the Aromatase Enzyme
It doesn't matter who ordered the Test.
It does matter which Test was ordered.

Most Doctors are still using the Older, Less Reliable ~ ECLIA method for testing.

Tell your Doctor that you need the LC/MS Version of the Estradiol Test.

Honestly ~ your Doctor should have Retested you when he saw this result.............................. JP
Without the Proper Range on your Estradiol, it's difficult to recommend a Dose.
You need to get Retested, then possibly increase your AI dose from the starting dosage.
Then after 2 Weeks of taking your AI, get Retested and see if you are back In-Range.

I would probably start @ 1 Mg EOD for Arimidex.
And 25 Mg EOD for Aromasin.

Aromasin would be the Better Choice as you don't need to worry about Estrogen Rebound if you Stop Suddenly.
It's a Suicidal Inhibitor, so it makes a Permanent Bond to the Aromatase Enzyme

Shall I just try standard NOLVA CLOMID PCT then blood work?
What else would cause me to get 630 Estrogen?

LC/MS-MS version of what?

I'm bit late to the party so i'll ignore the testo values (probably bunk gear.)

630 estrogen however has my gut feeling telling me the units got fucked up.

I've had close to 300 with pmol/l unit.
Which is just shy of double my natural estro.
So 630 with pmol/l is certainly high but would give an explanation for the value.

Call the lab and ask them them unit it was in and ask them to convert it to another unit (will prove if they're retarded or not).

But most importantly bro...
How. Do. You. Feel????

pmol/l reference values is <150, so 4 times that would have you feeling side effects and probably be looking like the michelin man due to water retention.
PCT and try to get this estro down and test back to baseline?

Donating blood tomorrow

I don't think that PCT is the answer, with your Total Test at only 430 Ng/dl.
If your Baseline was any Lower than this, see an Endocrinologist, cause you have LOW-T.

I'm almost 66, and my Natty Test ~ Off-Cycle is in the low 700's.................................. JP
Why are you Donating Blood, were your RBC (red blood cell), and Hematocrit Levels high ?