Bloodwork inside - need help on options


New member
I posted this elsewhere, so it may look familiar to some, but I'm looking for the largest amount of opinions I can get.

I've been researching Low T as it seems to fit my symptoms, and I don't think I'm making my symptoms fit low testosterone.

I'm 33 on the cusp of 34. I'm fatigued all the time, I am irritable, indifferent, can't be bothered to really do anything most of the time, and I have less than 0 libido. I don't have ED issues when it is time, but I'm starting from deep inside the hole and while the wife is pretty accepting, I don't know how long this can go on for. No morning erections, no spontaneous erections.

I've got two kids, 2 and 4, and I'd love to feel better in general and not be "too tired" or "daddy just want to sit down when he gets home". I've experienced some brain fog. I've never done AAS, abused drugs, I drink irregularly and socially, not heavily. No testicular trauma that is noteworthy, I had a vasectomy in July of last year.

For the past two years, clearly, although I can seem to remember it going further back that . I've always been quite active, although after a half marathon about 2 years ago I was feeling run-down and chalked it up to just too many miles during training.

However, I don't feel like I've ever really recovered from that. I did have some run down feelings in the months leading up to it, and earlier in that year, but I figured it was just the miles. I was doing about 40-50/week in 2012.

I'm 5'10", 195lbs and currently about 20% body fat, up from just under 15% at the end of last year, and all of it is in my midsection. Classic spare tire just grew out of nowhere.

Since then, I've not gotten any stronger in the gym(seriously. Not in two years have any maxes really gone up), I've gotten slower on my runs, I'm lucky to maintain a 9 minute pace for 3 miles on an easy run now, where leading up to that training I was regularly doing 5-7 mile runs at less than 8min/mile. This is all when I even feel like doing anything, which isn't that often anymore. Previously, I was a 5am lifter with miles run at lunchtime or later in the day 5 days a week with long runs on weekends.

I've been searching for something that fit and although self-diagnosis is a dangerous thing, everything seemed to boil down to low testosterone or a thyroid issue. I went ahead and scheduled myself a labcorp test (Female Panel) through privatemdlabs last week to see if this was something to pursue or if I was wrong, and had that test (fasted 12 hours) last Monday, the 21st:

Test Result Range
Testosterone, Serum 347 ng/dL 348-1197
LH 3.4 mIU/mL 1.7-8.6
FSH 1.9 mIU/mL 1.5-12.4
Estradiol 14.5 pg/mL 7.6-42.6

I do have a CBC w/differential and Metabolic panel available, but I'll include my GP's lab's version below.

Now, seeing this number as something that seems low for my age I figured it was time to follow up with my GP, who, unfortunately, I've never actually seen; I've only seen his PA and she's generally disinterested. I tried to book an appointment directly with him to discuss, but couldn't get in to see him until June 2nd. I was able to get an appointment with the PA for this Friday, where I'll be discussing the blood tests I was able to order over the phone.

I knew they'd want a CBC and Metabolic panel, so I asked if I could get that ahead of the visit, and they said sure. At this point I said I thought I needed more and would like to get them if possible, I asked for Testosterone, Free and Total, Estradiol, LH, FSH, and a full Thyroid panel. They said they would ask the PA.

I called back and the PA had left them a message that I couldn't have those tests without a reason, so I said that I had symptoms which seemed to indicate those tests would be ordered when I saw her anyway and sympathetic secretary said she's talk to the doctor and leave the order for their in house lab so I could come in Thursday, the 24th and have tests done. Following are complete results:

WBC 6.40 K/UL 4.50-11.0
RBC 5.47 M/UL 4.35-5.87
HEMOGLOBIN 14.9 G/DL 13.3-17.7
HEMATOCRIT 45.6 % 39.8-52.2
MCV 83.3 FL 80.5-99.7
MCH 27.3 PG 26.6-33.8
MCHC 32.7 G/DL 31.5-35.9
RDW 16.1 % 11.0-16.0
MFV 10.7 FL 8.0-13.0

SODIUM 139 MMOL/L 136-145
POTASSIUM 4.3 MMOL/L 3.5-5.1
CHLORIDE 102 MMOL/L 98-107
GLUCOSE 88 MG/DL 65-99
CALCIUM 9.7 MG/DL 8.6-10.3
TOTAL PROTEIN 7.5 G/DL 6.4-8.9
ALBUMIN 4.5 G/DL 3.5-5.7
BILIRUBIN TOTAL 0.71 MG/DL 0.30-1.00
AST(SGOT) 28 U/L 13-39
ALT(SGPT) 33 U/L 7-52

HDL 51.8 MG/DL
LDL 122.0 MG/DL

LH 3.1 MIU/ML 1.24-8.62
FSH 2.3 MIU/ML 1.27-19.26

TSH 2.61 UIU/ML 0.44-4.21
T4 FREE 0.85 NG/DL 0.60-1.40
FREE T3 3.20 PG/ML 2.10-3.90

TESTOSTERONE FREE 133.3 pg/mL 35.0-155.0

Obviously they didn't order everything, notable estradioal and total t3/t4. This is what I have though. I called today asking for the results and I was told I could pick them up but everything is normal.

I tried to call Endos last week but even though my insurance doesn't require it, they all want a referral (understandably), so I'm dependent on my GP for a referral. I'm of the belief that 348-368 is low for a 34 year old active man with my history. I don't believe that on Friday when I see the PA I'll get anywhere. Is it, like they're going to tell me, all in my head?

Should I try to find another GP? Should I call the urologist who did my vasectomy? I don't believe I'd need a referral since I'm already a patient of his?

I'm a pretty determined person and although that's taken a hit with my general malaise, if I have to keep calling doctors I will. Should I beat this drum until someone helps, or should I exhaust direct options and call a clinic? That's tempting when doors get shut, but being someone with incredible insurance who could have treatments covered, it bothers me to lay out the cash for it myself if there is a problem here.

Thanks for your time, let me know if there are any questions. Unfortunately, I don't have any other bloodwork available currently and am probably not going to be able to get my current GP to order it. Anything that can be gleaned from the numbers above would be appreciated.
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Sounds like TRT would literally change your life, it has for many here and many of our clients. Give us a call if you want to pay out of pocket, its a lot more convenient and you skip right to feeling better because we know what we are doing.

All of your symptoms describe a testosterone deficiency, you should shape right up after optimizing your T properly.

Check out some before and after of one of our clients on our FB page here
self diagnosis is not a dangerous thing if you do your own research. What's dangerous is listening to doctors who will let you live with dangerously low T levels because they refuse to diagnose low T. I self diagnosed myself with low T after bloodwork showed levels similar to yours. My free T was lower though. No doctors or specialists would help me and I felt terrible. I called IMT and now I'm finally starting to feel better.
Anyone else want to weigh in on this? I did schedule an SHBG test for tomorrow, I'll update when I have results on that too, if it makes a difference on anyone's opinion.
almost finished up my 3rd week. very subtle changes as it hasn't fully kicked in yet but when you're that low you can feel subtle changes.
Just an update. Dr's office doesn't feel the thyroid is anywhere in a range for treatment but said something to keep an eye on (my mother has hypothyroid).

They did offer to treat the low T directly, but I declined at this point in lieu of a referral to an endo to ask more about the thyroid.

Depending on the outcome of that either we'll treat the thyroid/T with the endo, or it'll be back to the GP to look at the T again.