Body fat percentage and critique


New member
24/5'7/160 7 years training off and on. Never done a cycle, 350 total t level tested 1 month ago. Got a lot more work to do obviously. Anyways, to the pro's that know body fat percentage just by pics....what do you think im at? I have no idea. Also, what are my major weak points? What do you think i should work on???
If I were to guess i'd say 9 percent. You def need work on your legs but overall you could really use more mass everywhere. I know its hard with lower test levels. Try a simple low volume program like 5x5. Eat like a madman. 5,000 calories a day. Count your calories. Drink a gallon of whole milk a day along with your meals if you have a hard time getting calories in. It put a lot of weight on me but much bodyfat too. I cut down quickly afterwards tho. Keep truckin bro.
I would say between 12-15 realistically. I get calibrated every so often so I'm pretty familiar with BF. Honestly, just depends on what your goals are man. Are you wanting to get like a "big mother fucker" OR are you just trying to get cut and ripped???? I'm assuming your seeing where im going with this.

IMO: You need to focus more on your upper body. Your legs dont look too horrible for your height and weight. Focus on what ever is more important to you.

yea, i have some really unwanted bodyfat right around the belly and hips that ive accumulated over the past 4 years....terrible diet. Funny though, same terrible diet at 18, and had ripped abs, damn you metabolism!!!

Gonna be running a 500mg/week test-e cycle for 12 weeks with arimidex .5 or .25 eod pretty soon. Hoping i can do a clean bulk by keeping fat low while still consuming plenty of carbs and protein around 4k calorie range.

I know everyone says its either a cut or a bulk cycle, but i just dont think its worth putting on serious mass if you got a gut to go along with it.