Bodybuilding/Anavar, and pregancy


New member
Could taking this and doing an actual show actually hurt her chances of becoming pregnant? She wants to get pregnant soon afterward, but we are wondering if maybe she should not take this drug or do the show?

Why hurt the chances of having a child for an amature show?

Any help is much appreciated!
i would not be taking any kinda steriod if i was planning on having kids.. Or i would wait for about a year after taking any kinda roids!! why risk hurting the child? the just my thoughts... i dont think it would be safe..
i think you already know the safest route... there's nothing wrong with preparing for the show and seeing how far she can get without drugs. i just wouldn't add in Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) if she's considering pregnancy... best of luck to her and to your future family ;)