Boiling! Yes, no - maybe so?


New member
So the thing is, i'm pretty friggin sick of yams. They are starting to get bland as hell. But hey, they are a great source of carbs and are dirt cheap (just like oatmeal).

My question is, does boiling them and mashing them up (mashed yams, but with no additives) render them useless in any way? I.E, eliminate any vitamins or something stupid like that? (even though I don't think there is many in them anwyays, correct me if i'm wrong)

Cuz when their all mashed up I just wolf em down easy and I got my carbs in.

How do you usually cook them? In the microwave, probably?

You eating regular sweet potatoes, a special variety of sweet potatoe that is commonly mislabeled as a yam in many grocery stores, or real yams?

Have you ever boiled them before? Never thought about mashed sweet potatoes, before.

I think you are good to go, but thats just my speculative opinion. I have no studies to back myself up.
bake them they are more flavorful, also stir fry them in olive oil, garlic, and rosemary--very good
goddammit. I just did some research and found out i've been eatin sweet potatoes for like 2 years, thinking they are yams. I didn't know there was a difference! Do sweet potatoes have the same properties as regular potatoes, ie, simple carbs?
outlawtas2 said:
Do sweet potatoes have the same properties as regular potatoes, ie, simple carbs?
Sweet potatoes are loved by the mass building community, much like brown rice, if that's what you mean.

hushyguy: Damn you are good. Walmart Supercenter has sweet potatoes right now for $0.44/pound but I was kind of tired of the microwaved sweet potatoe, but now I think I might be buying a bunch.