boils on face


New member
anyone have the side affect of like a boil type of thing on the face... Its not a pimple it just oozes blood and its like a lump... Got one on my Left cheek.. Almost thought it was a spider bite or some shit.
yep caused by ingrown hair, juice makes it worse try using a sharper razor or electric, and get a wet hot flannel and cover it till it dies down then dont touch it again
it could also be a slight cist caused from alot of acne in the same area. It has happened to me you have to get it essentially all squeezed out by a dermotologist doesnt really hurt that bad if you have them do it but by doing it yourself makes it a bitch
Yeah that sucks I get those just keep a hot compress on it. Keep reheating it over and over till it forms some what of a head. Burn a needle ( untill it turns red) then poke it in sideways that doesn't hurt as much. And a whole lot of shit should come out squeeze it then get some perixode or some thing to sterilize it. Good Luck
kinda off topic, but I sometimes get ingrown hairs on my jawline. You gotta fish them out with a needle. Sometimes they can be an inch or two long all curled up.
Drace said:
Boils? Zits? what are they? I never get anything on cycle or off. :)

Damn you're lucky bro, I get monster ones.... i am like a grease ball... I wish i had genetics like that
My forhead gets rather greasy on cycle. I just use a cloth and water 4 or 5 times a day, and a lil clearasil, and i never get any.