Bold acetate - crashed


dungeon keeper
Made 20ml of bold acetate for the first time

it crashed @ 100mg/ml, with 3%BA and 20%BB

any ideas? Will it hold @75 mg/ml?
I'm a equi lover, In fact I'm running bold Un. now!

This was free powder from a friend of mine! And I'm trying to hold it just because I've never puted into solution bold ace.. maybe I use it before post cycle therapy (pct) along with prop! (ouch)
boldenone acetate

I`ve tryied to mix boldenone acetate powder in oil and 3% BA (90 degrees)and it was crashed. Then I added BB 20% BB and it was well mixed :) Do you have any ideas about good mixing of boldenone acetate?
insaned said:
Made 20ml of bold acetate for the first time

it crashed @ 100mg/ml, with 3%BA and 20%BB

any ideas? Will it hold @75 mg/ml?
Welcome to the club :) I got mine to hold @75mg/ml for about 3 weeks then it gradually started crashing. It didn't matter though as bold ace and bold prop cause SEVERE flu-like symptoms, I had to quit after 3 shots.
yeah seems this stuff is a headache... plus every guy that used this stuff reported that kind of symptoms plus a lot of swelling and pain. makes me wonder if it worths the trouble...

I still got it crashed, didn't have mutch time to look at it... the only good thing is that was free.

btw docJ, are you used to EO with prop? I've done a 166mg/ml prop other day, but after 3 weeks it crashed suddently... I'll try to heat it, hope this stuff doesn't bring mutch pain with it.
insaned said:
yeah seems this stuff is a headache... plus every guy that used this stuff reported that kind of symptoms plus a lot of swelling and pain. makes me wonder if it worths the trouble...

I still got it crashed, didn't have mutch time to look at it... the only good thing is that was free.

btw docJ, are you used to EO with prop? I've done a 166mg/ml prop other day, but after 3 weeks it crashed suddently... I'll try to heat it, hope this stuff doesn't bring mutch pain with it.

I have a batch of 200mg/ml prop and 200mg/ml masteron that are both holding after 3 weeks. I used 100% EO as the carrier though not 50/50:EO/Grapeseed like I did before. The 50/50 carrier started dropping out after 2 weeks so I added a little BB and then it held fine, the concentration was obviously decreased though.
I've used only EO as carrier too and used 2/20... I'll give it a heat, and it should hold for a few more weeks then. The strange thing is that it was fine for 3 weeks, and suddenly it crashed almost from one day to another

how about the pain in that 200mg/ml, some guys report near nothing, what is your veredict docJ?

I know what you mean PB, but if it wasn't the pain the short ones deliver and the low concentration, they would worth... only a few more pins and syrings more than the regular long esters.
All my preparations with EO as the carrier have been virually pain free which is a testament to the EO as I'm putting 400mg TP into one site which would normally make it quite sore.
DougoeFre5h said:

I just had an epihany. Bold ace and bold prop give so many fucking probs b/c of one reason and one reason only. They were not meant to be injected. Has got to be the answer. Why else would anyone want the crazy ass pain involved in these damn things IF you get it to hold for more than a few weeks.
Ill tell you why. In the beginning there was test and its ester variants. If you wanted boldenone, you bought EQ. Everyone was already familiar with test prop, and other esters because of thier wide availibility and use in sustanon.

Fastforward to the days of intl powder, UG labs. All of a sudden our chinese freinds began making wierd ester variants availible for purchase. UG labs saw the "exotic" appeal and cha-ching! Everybody got excited about short ester EQ. FINALLY. pfff.

Fastforward to present day. Ive read more nagative reviews on bold ace/prop than Ive read about heroin (and that shit ruins lives, but at least it feels good). Ok im joking but seriously here....bold prop is garbage.

Stop trying to reinvent the wheel.


switch, mix, eat, train, GROW, repeat. You need nothing more IMHO.
DougoeFre5h said:
Ill tell you why. In the beginning there was test and its ester variants. If you wanted boldenone, you bought EQ. Everyone was already familiar with test prop, and other esters because of thier wide availibility and use in sustanon.

Fastforward to the days of intl powder, UG labs. All of a sudden our chinese freinds began making wierd ester variants availible for purchase. UG labs saw the "exotic" appeal and cha-ching! Everybody got excited about short ester EQ. FINALLY. pfff.

Fastforward to present day. Ive read more nagative reviews on bold ace/prop than Ive read about heroin (and that shit ruins lives, but at least it feels good). Ok im joking but seriously here....bold prop is garbage.

Stop trying to reinvent the wheel.


switch, mix, eat, train, GROW, repeat. You need nothing more IMHO.

you forgot GH/IGF-1/Slin you fucking tard. :D
RJH8541 said:
I just had an epihany. Bold ace and bold prop give so many fucking probs b/c of one reason and one reason only. They were not meant to be injected. Has got to be the answer. Why else would anyone want the crazy ass pain involved in these damn things IF you get it to hold for more than a few weeks.
I just read in a profile on another site that Acetate ester is based (or is) the acetic acid molecule, which is basically white vinegar. I wonder if that is the reason BoldAce is such a problem? Isn't vinegar more hydrophillic than hydrophobic? (All chemists chime in here...) If it is, then BoldAce might be a better water-based 'solution' than all the mixes based on oil. Since I have never tried to BoldAce, and don't plan to, I will stop here..
As far as BoldProp is concerned, almost everything I have read here (and on other sites) has been based on making solutions with the thinnest oils and sometimes EO. I am pretty convinced that BoldProp is a problem because the BA/BB/thin oil combo washes away quickly and forces more hormone to rush into your system and crystalize at the injection site. And since the propionate ester is so much smaller than the undeclynate ester, using the same daily potency of BoldProp that you would use of BoldUndec would cause your body to deal with more of this already harsh hormone.
That's the theory I am using to make my next BoldProp solution...less potent and thicker oils. It could be either/or, but for safety sake (and my own fear and respect of this hormone), I will do both in my formulation.