Boldenone Cypionate 300mg


New member
Currently I'm running my 3rd AAS cycle and added in eq to the mix this time. I have read alot about it and like the steady increase in mass over time and will be running the eq for 12 weeks. Thoughts And experience with eq guys?
Typically you'll need to run EQ up around 600mg/wk (or more) for 16wks.

You'll find a lot of pros and cons with this compound. People generally love it or hate it for a variety of reasons. Some of these include rising blood pressure, increased vascularity, cost (high because of the amount required), amount needed wkly, and increased appetite to name a few. You likely see the parroted "bicycle chain" comments here. Ignore them. However, for some users they don't see any results at all. AAS users seem to respond differently to this compound more than any other.

Ive used it and was happy with the results. But to be completely honest, for the cost and time on, i can think of other compounds to use that will produce the same results, or better. But for a slow long estered bulking cycle planned over 14 wks, include it if you have it. It does work for many users.

Hope this helps..
That's true, but bold cyp is not eq. EQ is bold undecyclenate. 12 weeks will be fine for a cypionate ester.