boldenone cypionate crashed!

old timer

brazilian jiu-jitsu guy
i got my hands on some boldenone cypionate. i made a 40 ml batch, used 2% ba and 20% bb, and it crashed! i used the same procedure for test cyp. and it was fine. any help here guys.
The concentration is the problem. I've done several experiments with this compound and the best I got with regular oil was 200mg/ml at 3/20. EO seems to help with compound even though its a longer ester, not sure why. 50/50 EO and oil will get you 250 but any higher and you have to use straight EO and 4 to 5% BA.

When you start using it start at a low dose, 400mg per week then increase from there. The cypionate produces flu like symptoms in some at 600mg & higher doses and it doesn't take anywhere near as much of it to produce the same results as EQ.
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Damn mods. Is it not obvious that SCNTO surrounds himself only with those too weak to threaten his grip of power?