boners on clomid nolva PCT


New member
i'm on day 3 of using GP clomid and nolva for pct 50mg clomid 20mg nolva every night before bed. when i wake up i have morning wood and throughout the day i am pretty horny and i get random chubs/boners for no reason. is this normal? maybe the clomid has got a little viagra or cialias in it? lol what do you guys think
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Clomid should have your test levels fairly high. Higher than your natural levels hopefully. That could be the primary reason you're experiencing consistent morning wood and random erections.
Clomid should have your test levels fairly high. Higher than your natural levels hopefully. That could be the primary reason you're experiencing consistent morning wood and random erections.
really? already on the third day ?
really? already on the third day ?

Yeah, I mean I suppose it'd be a little outrageous to assume Clomid is running rampant after 3 days huh? Sorry, I missed that little detail. Maybe you just have your estrogen in check. Wood's always a good thing right?

I'm in cycle at the moment and I can say I've experienced random boners at the most ridiculous times! Like, pretending to hump the dishwasher while gazing at my girlfriend... :D
Lol, likely your just estrogen sensitive and the clomid is agonizing the ERs. It won't be test levels yet - way to soon.

Did you run AI during your entire 3 year blast? How was your libido during those years as well?
Lol, likely your just estrogen sensitive and the clomid is agonizing the ERs. It won't be test levels yet - way to soon.

Did you run AI during your entire 3 year blast? How was your libido during those years as well?
of course bro i was using arimidex for a little bit then i switched to aromasin. libido was crazy of course lol even when i was cruising at 175mg a week. but yeah overall i feel pretty good i'm really looking forward to being "normal".

i'm sure i'll be feeling even better once i get back in the gym soon within a few days.. i had surgery on my hand recently and the doc said wait 2 months and ease back into the the gym.. and now is 2 months fuck yeah!

i think next week i'll get bloods just to see whats going on i'm curious
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I personally think you still have some test floating in you. There is no way that you will see signs of clomid working within three days of being on it. It's just too soon. Of course that's only my opinion. Blood work will show.
I personally think you still have some test floating in you. There is no way that you will see signs of clomid working within three days of being on it. It's just too soon. Of course that's only my opinion. Blood work will show.
no way my last pin of test *prop* was 1/31 over 2 weeks ago.. and bro i was on HCG for the past 2 weeks before starting the clomid and nolva. and for the last 9 days of those 2 weeks i was on HCG alone, with no test.
oh yeah also, i got some HCG leftover 15,000iu! i thought maybe, what if i ran clomid and nolva monday to friday, and then take the weekends off and shoot 1000iu HCG saturday and sunday
no way my last pin of test *prop* was 1/31 over 2 weeks ago.. and bro i was on HCG for the past 2 weeks before starting the clomid and nolva. and for the last 9 days of those 2 weeks i was on HCG alone, with no test.

That's your answer right there. It is your hcg giving you the boners :)
I would not do any hcg while on pct...
That's your answer right there. It is your hcg giving you the boners :)
very possible. anyway who cares! some guys suffer with ED for months after coming off so im glad im among the lucky ones. still gonna get bloodwork in about a week or two just to see whatsup.

but let me get this straight.. hypothetically, if i get bloodwork in a few weeks and my test comes back 600 and im still on clomid, that doesnt mean my test is actually 600 naturally, correct? i could come off the clomid and then have my levels drop to 100 right?
oh yeah also, i got some HCG leftover 15,000iu! i thought maybe, what if i ran clomid and nolva monday to friday, and then take the weekends off and shoot 1000iu HCG saturday and sunday

dont do this. HCG will shut you down... use it before, not in PCT
very possible. anyway who cares! some guys suffer with ED for months after coming off so im glad im among the lucky ones. still gonna get bloodwork in about a week or two just to see whatsup.

but let me get this straight.. hypothetically, if i get bloodwork in a few weeks and my test comes back 600 and im still on clomid, that doesnt mean my test is actually 600 naturally, correct? i could come off the clomid and then have my levels drop to 100 right?

Agreed with juiced, no more hCG now.

And to answer your question, wrong. If you get bloods on clomid that's exactly what they are - clomid stimulated levels. Once you stop taking clomid they will drop... as to how much they drop, well that depends on how well you recover. You need to wait 6 weeks AFTER your last clomid dose to get unbiased blood work. You can certainly get it now, just to see what's going on, but don't expect it to be 'natural' levels.

Did you ever have e2 blood work during your three years? What I'm getting at is - some men (myself included) find a higher libido with slightly higher e2 (as well as TT.) Clomid, being an ER angonizer, could be giving you the boners and libido by acting similarily to estradiol. Clomid makes me horny as fuck - from doses ranging to 25mg - 100mg daily. This is one of many reasons we tell guys not to use boners as a sign of recovery.
hCG = LH supression.

hCG is not apart of PCT, it is to be used to make transition to PCT.

It is as simple as this bro, stick to your Nolva and Clomid and continue as so. There is no problem here at all. Reassess in a week, and the week after etc and after PCT get blood work. Take it as it comes... and right now your getting boners on Nolva/Clomid whilst in PCT after just finishing hCG and I'd say clean of test prop.
hCG = LH supression.

hCG is not apart of PCT, it is to be used to make transition to PCT.

It is as simple as this bro, stick to your Nolva and Clomid and continue as so. There is no problem here at all. Reassess in a week, and the week after etc and after PCT get blood work. Take it as it comes... and right now your getting boners on Nolva/Clomid whilst in PCT after just finishing hCG and I'd say clean of test prop.
im getting boners all the time but sex drive is on the low side.. whatever. at least i can get hard. my biggest fear of PCT was the possibility of ED. the libido will come back with time im sure. thanks for the help guys