so good to see someone whos responsible doing a responsible cycle, hope its going well bro. any sides? how are the gains?
Honestly bro, I been bit lazy... As per usual its the ladies keeping me busy

Meet this amazing chick that actually passes both wifey and mother of my child checks but she already has 2 daughters so I'm bit meeh but still bit interested.
A small update. I ran 500iu HCG for 20 days, about 10 days into it, I had to add nolvadex because I didnt plan on needing an AI with just HCG. Reason was the mysterious lump from nowhere started growing after almost vanishing and i chalked it down to a spike in estrogen and overall hormonal imbalance from last cycle.
I have breast cancer/endo meeting next month, probably gonna come clean and tell them the whole story how got suspected gyno from cycle and how tamoxifen citrate healed it and go from there.
Now i'm running clomid and nolva at 50/20mg ed, gonna add proviron at 50mg ed, got enough for 2.5-3 months.
My GH sadly runs out in a few days and my economy isn't good enough to add more

Anyhow... My ribs healed about 10 days ago, haven't felt them at all. been running good diet for the past week but havent done any gym at all. Only some various dumbbell exercises at home but bit limited since I only got 4/8kg weights.
If I wasn't so tired right now i'd def hit the local gym for a quicky but gonna go to bed early and take a morning session, yeh, that sounds like a plan, postpone it for another day while releasing dopamine like you've actually achieved something. Boss mode