I wouldn't be messing around with antidepressants unless you actually need them. It's possible that you do, given you mention a lack of libido and motivation. Both of these are symptoms of depression.
The thing is that coming off an antidepressant is a really, really miserable process. You will spend several weeks feeling a lot worse whilst your brain chemistry gets back into equilibrium. Then there's all the side effects that are possible whilst on the drug.
I came off Zoloft / Setraline in mid November, and it took a couple of weeks to get over the worst of the withdrawal, and another three or four after that to get back to feeling half reasonable. It's only in the last week or so that I'm actually feeling good about myself for the first time.
The decision to stop was motivated by side effects. In the case of SSRIs these include loss of libido, significant weight gain, increased risk of committing suicide, a very flattened emotional state, and serious complications that can lead to kidney or liver failure. These drugs are not a magic bullet, and probably aren't worth it unless you're in a real hole.