Bostin loyd "mini cycle"


New member
okay I know I was dumb to even consider hiring this kid as a coach but I was getting a pretty sweet deal and I got tempeted and I just paid a 100 dollars and this is what this kid sent me which he refers to a mini cycle



1. 250mg testosterone cypionate every other day

3. Equipoise (Boldenone) 200mg every other day

4. Deca 200mg 3x per week

5. Clenbuterol: 20mcg 2x per day (taken separately). [increase every 2-3 weeks as necessary]

7. GH: 4IU…… taken every morning (before breakfast)

8. 1/2mg Arimidex every day


1. 250mg Sustanon (or Test Cypionate or enanthate) every other day (EOD)

2. Trenbolone (100mg every other day).

3. Winstrol (50mg every day)

4. MASTERON 100mg EOD.........

5. Continue CLENBUTEROL, GH,

6. 1/2mg Arimidex every day

*****GHRP-6 (peptide) 250mcg immediately after training and before bed

Guess I just wasted a hundread bucks

you paid for cycle advice?


the gh15 bible is free and way more entertaining

I love reading the GH15 bible I find it so entertaining. Bash me, but I actually like Bostin Loyd. No, I would never follow his drug and nutrition advice but he comes across as a pretty honest bloke who just wants to share what "knowledge" he has and is smart enough to know that people are willing to pay for it.
Yeah.....don't every post for cycle advice again unless it's your own trainer and you're pro. Otherwise, just ask us...
Clen for 16 weeks straight? I guess he never heard of receptor downregulation, which happens after only a couple weeks with clen and quickly gets worse from there.

2 grams of gear for a 1st cycle? I wouldn't exactly call that a "mini" cycle...LOL. Plenty of pro BB'rs have built their mass with 2 grams per week.
I appreciate bostins honesty but he's becoming a "zyzz" like figure to kids these days. It like a double edged sword. On one hand, atleast u lnow your not competing on stage at a pro level with whatever bullshit products most the pros are endorsing. But on the other hand, a lot of dumbass kids are going to try and run multiple gram cycles. When I was growing up, u had guys like serge saying he took 5mg dbol per day during contest prep. Not like that's recommended now but imo a lot better then this "mini cycle" that was posted.
okay I know I was dumb to even consider hiring this kid as a coach but I was getting a pretty sweet deal and I got tempeted and I just paid a 100 dollars and this is what this kid sent me which he refers to a mini cycle



1. 250mg testosterone cypionate every other day

3. Equipoise (Boldenone) 200mg every other day

4. Deca 200mg 3x per week

5. Clenbuterol: 20mcg 2x per day (taken separately). [increase every 2-3 weeks as necessary]

7. GH: 4IU***8230;***8230; taken every morning (before breakfast)

8. 1/2mg Arimidex every day


1. 250mg Sustanon (or Test Cypionate or enanthate) every other day (EOD)

2. Trenbolone (100mg every other day).

3. Winstrol (50mg every day)

4. MASTERON 100mg EOD.........

5. Continue CLENBUTEROL, GH,

6. 1/2mg Arimidex every day

*****GHRP-6 (peptide) 250mcg immediately after training and before bed

Guess I just wasted a hundread bucks


Someone mentioned it already but even the gh15 bible has better advice.

Glad Bostin is making some money though; he'll need it to cover medical expenses down the road.
Yeah.....don't every post for cycle advice again unless it's your own trainer and you're pro. Otherwise, just ask us...

Well tbh it wasn't for me, it was for my gym buddy. I owed him some money so he was like just pay this guy for that instead of paying him. It was just mind boggling about how much this guy recommended to use. On top of that hes prolly giving the same diet to everybody I believe.