Boston Lloyd gives Steroidology A Shout Out

Hey Matt how do those eggs whites taste drinking them does your stomach need to adjust to it or anything my stomach is mediocre at handling certain things lol

Goes down good if u have any probs mix some iso pro in there, or alittle bit of low cal ( no sugar) coffee vanilla creamer works too ( taste like egg nog :), to me it taste like water now, just slam it down, always carry a carton and some oats, and natty pb with me in times I need something quick
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More things I chomp on, low in cals, and helps for cravings as well and great for these summer months :)
Should be posted in diet section but oh well, just throwing out u some idea's
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U live in canada yodatron, they sell these at the superstore
The syrup ( no frills)
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Boston loyd has probably shaved 10 years off anyones life who has ever followed his advice. If he is smart enough to be able to meet all these high up people in the industry. He should be smart enough to know 99% of people who run the dosages he speaks of will have horrible side effects.
He is a funny guy. He is just the perfect example of the blind leading the blind..... It seems though like he was deceived himself about body building to though and just trying to make a name for himself
Like the idiots from jackass, there millioniares for being stupid, doing stupid shit, things steve-o regrets now sobering up, fucked him up royaly, same with that bostin guy, same deal, when he gets older maybe he'll realize how stupid he was, or before that jail time, ranting on how much gear he takes and has, pretty stupid as the shit is illegal in the states even for personal use!
Simply put he is a disgrace to bb, I dont care what he looks like, what shows he has won, hes a moron, anybody that supports his actions is just as much of a moron
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Haven't been on the AAS side of this forum in a while.
Matt 's still every bit as much a jackass as he always was.
You seriously think you look better than Bostin, huh? Wow, just wow.
We have all had our times of being a dick here or their. Matt has made some good progress though over the last while with his physique.
We have all had our times of being a pretentious douchebag non stop. Matt has made some good progress though over the last while with his physique.


A couple years of cruising blasting + tren and sitting "195" lbs 10% bf and "17 inch" arms. Most of us can only dream of that type of progression.

Couldn't help myself. Sick of people praising the mediocracy of a known jackass after he has been putting down a successful bodybuilder. The epitome of pretentiousness.
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17" arms? LMAO. Not - even - close.
Mine are 14s, cold, relaxed to the side - jesus nailed to the cross style.
No way in hell is Matt the mighty lord of Smuck from Canadia any where near 17. And based on his pics I would venture to guess that 12% BF is probably more like it.