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Topical Formastane and Resveratrol product, only one of its kind.


BPS’ FormaSurge is the latest in transdermal supplements. With an advanced carrier that optimizes the ingredients involved, FormaSurge is the perfect product for people looking to control estrogen levels while boosting testosterone.

The main active compound in FormaSurge is the aromatase inhibitor, Formestane. Aromatase is the enzyme which manufactures estrogen and by inhibiting it, users can lower and control the amount of estrogen in the body. Furthermore, being Formestane is a “suicide inhibitor,” estrogen levels will not rebound once application is discontinued. In addition to its affect on estrogen, Formestane has been shown to notably boost testosterone.

The other prominent ingredient in FormaSurge is the powerful anti-oxidant, Resveratrol. Found in the skin of grapes, Resveratrol can increase natural testosterone production, lower estrogen levels, increase levels of adiponectin (a hormone produced to increase the use of fat for energy), and reduce levels of cholesterol. Additionally, Resveratrol has been shown to protect against the aging of skin cells, resulting in greater, younger looking skin.

The downside of Formestane and Resveratrol is their poor oral bio-availability which requires large doses of each in order to be effective. Consistently ingesting a large quantity of ingredients can place unnecessary strain on one’s liver. However, because FormaSurge is a topical product, users don’t need to worry about this added strain. Also, when Formestane and Resveratrol are applied topically, the ingredients’ bio-availability increases greatly thanks to steroidal enzymes in the skin.

FormaSurge users can expect to experience lean muscle gains, fat loss, and an increased libido. The benefits of FormaSurge are highly noticeable and can take any user’s training to the next level. Whether one is using FormaSurge by itself, while on cycle, or as a part of post-cycle therapy, results will surely be impressive.
Each Serving of Formasurge contains 50mg of Formastane and 42mg of Resveratrol.

For best results, users should apply two pumps of FormaSurge directly onto clean skin. IT IS NOT ADVISED TO APPLY FORMASURGE ON OR AROUND THE GENITALS

Supplement Facts:
Serving size: 2pumps
Servings per bottle: 120
Ingredients per serving
Formastane 50mg
Resveratrol 42mg
Other ingredients: Isopropyl alcohol, benzyl alcohol, octyl salicylate, triglyceride complex, water, d-limonene,
Topical Formastane and Resveratrol product, only one of its kind.


BPS’ FormaSurge is the latest in transdermal supplements. With an advanced carrier that optimizes the ingredients involved, FormaSurge is the perfect product for people looking to control estrogen levels while boosting testosterone.

The main active compound in FormaSurge is the aromatase inhibitor, Formestane. Aromatase is the enzyme which manufactures estrogen and by inhibiting it, users can lower and control the amount of estrogen in the body. Furthermore, being Formestane is a “suicide inhibitor,” estrogen levels will not rebound once application is discontinued. In addition to its affect on estrogen, Formestane has been shown to notably boost testosterone.

The other prominent ingredient in FormaSurge is the powerful anti-oxidant, Resveratrol. Found in the skin of grapes, Resveratrol can increase natural testosterone production, lower estrogen levels, increase levels of adiponectin (a hormone produced to increase the use of fat for energy), and reduce levels of cholesterol. Additionally, Resveratrol has been shown to protect against the aging of skin cells, resulting in greater, younger looking skin.

The downside of Formestane and Resveratrol is their poor oral bio-availability which requires large doses of each in order to be effective. Consistently ingesting a large quantity of ingredients can place unnecessary strain on one’s liver. However, because FormaSurge is a topical product, users don’t need to worry about this added strain. Also, when Formestane and Resveratrol are applied topically, the ingredients’ bio-availability increases greatly thanks to steroidal enzymes in the skin.

FormaSurge users can expect to experience lean muscle gains, fat loss, and an increased libido. The benefits of FormaSurge are highly noticeable and can take any user’s training to the next level. Whether one is using FormaSurge by itself, while on cycle, or as a part of post-cycle therapy, results will surely be impressive.
Each Serving of Formasurge contains 50mg of Formastane and 42mg of Resveratrol.

For best results, users should apply two pumps of FormaSurge directly onto clean skin. IT IS NOT ADVISED TO APPLY FORMASURGE ON OR AROUND THE GENITALS

Supplement Facts:
Serving size: 2pumps
Servings per bottle: 120
Ingredients per serving
Formastane 50mg
Resveratrol 42mg
Other ingredients: Isopropyl alcohol, benzyl alcohol, octyl salicylate, triglyceride complex, water, d-limonene,