Brewing prop and tren- NOT USING SYRINGE FILTER- OK??


New member
hey whats up guys. i'm homebrewing some tren and prop using this recipe am I able to just fill up the vial without using a whatman filter? also the recipe has no BB is that ok? thank you. also is this recipe ok for tren? it only says test

5 grams test E
1ml Benzyl Alcohol = 5% BA
15.25 ml sesame oil
Syringes 3cc & 5/10cc
18 or 20 gauge needles
mixing Vial
Sterile Vial
Whatman sterile filter

I cant access whatman filter- is it ok if I dont use one and is there alternatives? also what are the consequences if one is not used.
don't have enough time to order/ship. im already on some ugl gear and its running out in 2 days so I need to have the homebrew ready by then
don't have enough time to order/ship. im already on some ugl gear and its running out in 2 days so I need to have the homebrew ready by then

Well I have heard of using a coffee filter, but I'll be honest man...I wouldn't shoot anything that hasn't been through a proper syringe filter.

But in case you weren't aware, RUI has same day processing for $5.99 at checkout. Plus you can get it air mailed and have it fast as hell. RUI is known for blazing fast shipment.
Well I have heard of using a coffee filter, but I'll be honest man...I wouldn't shoot anything that hasn't been through a proper syringe filter.

But in case you weren't aware, RUI has same day processing for $5.99 at checkout. Plus you can get it air mailed and have it fast as hell. RUI is known for blazing fast shipment.

Follow this advice...
BA and BB last forever and there isn't really any special storing that I'm aware of.

I'd like to add that if you inject something that hasn't been properly filtered, you're just playing with fire. Not worth the risk!! That recipe you have above, I wouldn't use it for Tren because Tren usually needs BB in it to keep if from crashing unless you're doing a very low dosage of it
hey whats up guys. i'm homebrewing some tren and prop using this recipe am I able to just fill up the vial without using a whatman filter? also the recipe has no BB is that ok? thank you. also is this recipe ok for tren? it only says test

5 grams test E
1ml Benzyl Alcohol = 5% BA
15.25 ml sesame oil
Syringes 3cc & 5/10cc
18 or 20 gauge needles
mixing Vial
Sterile Vial
Whatman sterile filter

I cant access whatman filter- is it ok if I dont use one and is there alternatives? also what are the consequences if one is not used. ummm like septic shock and DEATH!!! JESUS this is the dumb thread of the month (sorry)
In red.

So you cant access a whatman filter?
Cant you click a link? here try this one with on the forum: Whatman Sterile Syringe Filter .20u - Syringes Needles Filters - Accessories or just click the banner above...

Dude what you stated already make me think you should not even think of doing this for your own good.
you don't even have the basic understanding that the filter is the only thing that is going to make your brewd gear steril and safe to use.

you do understand that something being steril is important right?
heating the oil and gear powder is only to mix it, not sterilize it...

Good luck...

PS. DONT buy opened unsteril filters ONLY SEALED STRILE filters, or there is no point!
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don't have enough time to order/ship. im already on some ugl gear and its running out in 2 days so I need to have the homebrew ready by then

well then your an ideot for risking your life and not thinking ahead....
I dont normally rip on members here but dude COME ON!
Well I have heard of using a coffee filter, but I'll be honest man...I wouldn't shoot anything that hasn't been through a proper syringe filter.

But in case you weren't aware, RUI has same day processing for $5.99 at checkout. Plus you can get it air mailed and have it fast as hell. RUI is known for blazing fast shipment.
Using a coffe filter is ONLY to try to take out impurities, NOT sterilize it!
some use a coffe filter in the prossess but they would still use a steril filter if they wanted to stay alive.
BA and BB last forever and there isn't really any special storing that I'm aware of.

I'd like to add that if you inject something that hasn't been properly filtered, you're just playing with fire. Not worth the risk!! That recipe you have above, I wouldn't use it for Tren because Tren usually needs BB in it to keep if from crashing unless you're doing a very low dosage of it

if he wants one of these:,cf.osb&fp=c46f44f4f6543861&biw=1366&bih=622

then feel free not to filter.....
I just cant beleve the level of stupid in this thread and train of thought (Im finishing my gear though so i dont have time for that) like are you fuking kidding me!?!??
Then take your dumb ass off of aas for a couple weeks missing some shots (due to you not thinking ahead or safely) while you wait for the right tools, or go ahead and possibly die. (NO SHIT I MEAN DIE AS IN YOU GO TO SLEEP AND DONT GET UP!)

JESUS! this is up there with the guy that was cleaning and reusing his needles with bleach and didnt want to lisin to us telling him it might kill him.

I truly hope you listin to ONE of the people posting in here.
Good luck

if he wants one of these:,cf.osb&fp=c46f44f4f6543861&biw=1366&bih=622

then feel free not to filter.....
I just cant beleve the level of stupid in this thread and train of thought (Im finishing my gear though so i dont have time for that) like are you fuking kidding me!?!??
Then take your dumb ass off of aas for a couple weeks missing some shots (due to you not thinking ahead or safely) while you wait for the right tools, or go ahead and possibly die. (NO SHIT I MEAN DIE AS IN YOU GO TO SLEEP AND DONT GET UP!)

JESUS! this is up there with the guy that was cleaning and reusing his needles with bleach and didnt want to lisin to us telling him it might kill him.

I truly hope you listin to ONE of the people posting in here.
Good luck
HMmmmmm those images just made me huuuuuungry
sterile syringe filter is by far the most important product and no theres no way around it, also your ba is high i always like 1% ba 20%bb regardless of coumpound