Brief testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) progress report


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Brief TRT progress report

I started testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) through ULV/IMT about 6 weeks ago. Doing 200mg test cyp per week (2 injections per week) and 1000iu of HCG per week (2 injections per week) along with a small amount of Arimidex (tend to have about 1/3 of a 1mg pill each week).

I am 31 years old. My total test ranged from 150-400 when I started. Free was always bottomed out on the scale at around 8 ng/dl. First noticed low T when my family doc did a fatigue panel based on my extreme low energy and general sleepiness. He was pretty shocked by the result and wanted to put me on a gel or cream. Said he didn't know much about it and didn't do injectables. I did some research before getting started on anything and ended up here with ULV.

I have always been very active, but for as long as I can remember very lethargic, like every action was an uphill battle trudging through sand or something. Holding my kid, walking down the street, everything just drained the hell out of me. Much less my BJJ and lifting. I haven't seen gains in 6-8 years even though I workout all the time. Look good, defined, wouldn't think I am low T, but not continuing to gain strength and totally lackadaisical.

In BJJ/wrestling I was out of juice in like 5 minutes. Not cardio, could do slow aerobic cardio a long time, but muscularly I just couldn't keep activating them properly. This is after 7 years of BJJ. Close to purple belt atm. I keep going when dead, but I just couldn't keep my body working correctly so it just always sucked and felt like a Sisyphean task.

I have struggled with what I thought was depression, sometimes significant, for 8 years or so. Never medicated, just dealt with it. Sex drive was OK, interested in sex once a week or so. Nothing like when I was younger of course, but I have been with my wife almost 9 years now so I figured the decrease was normal.

TRT has been incredible. After about two weeks I really noticed significant energy differences. I could push out probably 2x the volume in gym, roll hard at BJJ all night rather than getting a good five minutes followed by coasting and defending. I have gone from 180 lbs to 195 lbs since starting and only seem to have LOST a little fat (wasn't a LOT there to begin with). My workouts are intense now - set of 20x at 270 on deads last week, 20x at 215 on squats this week - I used to do sets of 5 and be dead on these core exercises. I actually get a pump now - never have (that I can remember). My BJJ team has been commenting for a couple weeks now asking what the hell I am doing blowing up like this. Making steroid jokes actually lol. I will eventually talk with them about it.

My mood has been just incredible. Its not like I am walking around euphoric all the time or something, but I don't feel like just crawling back into bed every day or shooting myself when I wake up in the morning. I haven't thought of that even once. This could all just be placebo or something considering how new I am to it, but it feels like a new life at the moment. I find myself smiling thinking about random things during the day - actual happy thoughts. Its great.

Sex drive has gone through the roof. I thought I was OK before, but I doubt that now. My wife has never looked better to me. Its weird. When she gets out of the shower and is drying off, just the plain sight of her naked body turns me on again. I had been so "bored" for so many years thinking I just wasn't attracted to her anymore. I think it was me. I feel like I just NEED her all the time now. Its actually wearing her out, but she likes it. I get home late after working and training and after I clean up, before going to bed, rather than feeling tired and depressed, I drag her away from whatever she is doing for some sex almost every night now. It is fucking awesome. Once again, who knows, maybe placebo, maybe real, but its fucking awesome right now.

I reordered for another 10 weeks recently and as long as things keep up where they are now, I will never stop. I think I got pretty lucky and dialed in on E2 pretty quick. Just trying to be wary of high/low E2 signs, but so far so good.

Just wanted to share my, so far, good experience.

Edit: Umm.. wasn't so brief. Sorry.
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Awesome post!!!!!! Its great to hear success stories!!!!!! Thanks for the support and again we couldn't be happier about how your feeling, there is nothing like that feeling of getting your swagger back

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Thanks for the update man!!! Dont apologize for it being lengthy. I'm glad you took the time to clearly lay out how testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) has helped you. Two weeks in with Todd/ULV and Im slowly starting to feel the effects. Keep us posted, other guys who are suffering need to hear this stuff.
Great job bro! congrats to you.

When do you plan on getting your follow up blood work? Im curious to see what them actual numbers look like.

Im impressed that your getting away with such a low dose of arimidex. Lets see what them E2 and total T numbers come back at.
I am interested in your bloodowrk numbers as well. Great post by the way. It's almost word for word for what I would have wrote if I took the time. I am 8 months in and I still feel like you do now. There is nothing better than making the wife feel special like you just met. Props to you.
Ya, I need to do some followup bloodwork here soon. Probably next week. Haven't been thinking about it much since things feel so good =) I did do some bloodwork for my cardiologist last week(high cholesterol, blood pressure diagnosed two years ago) and my numbers were great. He knows about my testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) (he is also on it, but with some gel or something through a local doc, seemed interested in how it was working for me) and is doing some more thorough blood work with total blood count and junk in a month or so to make sure everything looks good.

Got my bloodwork done about a week ago - just the female hormone panel from privateMD. Everything lookin good/normal other than the expected bottomed out LH and FSH.

Pertinent results:

Test > 1500 ng/dl
Estradiol 30 pg/ml
Hematocrit 45.2%

Concerned about the very high test, but man I feel great. I haven't messed with program detailed in OP except by increasing Aromatase inhibitor (AI) by a small amount (extra .25mg per week or so). May hafta dial test back a bit but I'm in no rush for that.

Only sides so far are some oily skin and a few zits, but nothing serious. Very paranoid about gyno and others sides so I will update if I notice anything.

One nice change has been my scalp. For 7-8 years my scalp has flaked off in huge nasty fucking CHUNKS of scalp skin. Super dry and would get noticeable blood spots where big parts had flaked off. Was nasty and I would get self-conscious about it sometimes. Since starting testosterone replacement therapy (TRT), my scalp has been actually oily, and hasn't dried out and flaked yet. I guess the trade off is I may get acne now or something, but so far so good. I only mention since its such an obvious and dramatic change for me, but isn't one of the normal things people mention improving with TRT.

So far its still been one of the best things I have done for myself in my life. Still a totally new man. Loving it. Gone from 185lbs to 205 lbs (6'1") since starting, doing roughly same workouts/training but seeing results now that I have never seen.

Still waiting for the other shoe to drop because it just seems too perfect right now.
Five month update!

Well, it has been about 5 months on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) through IMT now. Started May 1st. Figure it's time for another update.

Shit is just plain unreal for me. Going to talk about physical benefits in a bit, but first:

My mood is so incredibly improved that I can't help but think it is affecting every aspect of my life. My friends seem closer, family life is happier, outlook is brighter, time spent caring for my young children is easier and feels like less of a burden and more like a blessing. I swear fixing my test levels has made me friendlier in general. I haven't had any depressive episodes since about 3 weeks into use. They used to be common and occur at least every few weeks. I would actually consider self harm and other awful things in my depressed moods.

My libido continues to be through the roof. I wake up erect/amorous just about every day. Sex on my mind frequently. Attraction to wife continues to be incredible. She has been enjoying that a lot. Part of her depressed feelings over the years have certainly be due to my decreasing desire for her over time. I was just plain broken for so long without knowing it. She just gave birth to our second son a month ago and is still down on her body and can't fuck at the moment, but she loves how just teasing me gets me going almost instantly and is happy to oblige me however she can. Its really just awesome. It is like women just drive me wild now. All types, lol.

I think my improved mood has caused ancillary increases to my confidence and helped my introversion a small amount. Two weeks ago I landed an incredible promotion at work (70% pay increase, it is actually an entirely new position, but is normally selected from my old job) and I can't help but think my increased outgoingness, friendliness, and confidence played a significant role.

Physically, I have become some sort of a beast. I have always been very athletic and in shape ("fit"). Since getting my T levels to where they should be, I have also become strong and big/heavy. I started following Jim Wendler's 531 program with Boring But Big accessory work (@60% 1RM) the same day I started TRT. I eat about 4000 calories per day and make sure to get about 200g protein. I haven't missed a programmed workout or rep since starting and have gone from ~175 lbs walking around weight to 215 lbs as of this morning (218 before bed last night). I competed in a BJJ tournament at 205 in August and had to cut about 10 lbs for it. Still visible abs.

Lifts are way up. Just as examples (I haven't done any 1RM testing, just taking it slow and sticking to the program), bench went from maybe 1-2 reps at 225 to now 10 reps at 235 last bench day. Used to do 3 reps at 325 on deads, last dead workout I got 10 reps at 385. Squats I used to do sets of 5 at 225. Just got 10 at 295 last workout. Strict military press I would work with maybe 5 reps at 115 before and last workout I got 7 reps at 165. Up to 5x5 at 500lbs for barbell shrugs. Sets of 10 weighted (+45lbs) pullups (overhand grip). Not putting numbers out to brag, but to show change over 5 months of hard work and proper T levels. I know these aren't anywhere near competitive powerlifting numbers.

I had to buy new suits for work last week. Jacket went from 41L to 46L. Shirts went from 16.5 inch neck to 18.5 inch neck. Still 34 inch waist. Seems like everything needs extreme tailoring now. Every single person who sees me comments on my size. I even have grown some decent facial hair which I was never able to do. The guys I train with say I look like the old me's older brother now.

Wife and everyone else seem to love the changes this has made to my life. And of course I do. I will be monitoring prostate health more closely and keeping close eye on cardiovascular lab-work, as long as everything stays good like it is, health-wise, I couldn't imagine ever stopping now.
I started testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) through ULV/IMT about 6 weeks ago. Doing 200mg test cyp per week (2 injections per week) and 1000iu of Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) per week (2 injections per week) along with a small amount of Arimidex (tend to have about 1/3 of a 1mg pill each week).

I am 31 years old. My total test ranged from 150-400 when I started. Free was always bottomed out on the scale at around 8 ng/dl. First noticed low T when my family doc did a fatigue panel based on my extreme low energy and general sleepiness. He was pretty shocked by the result and wanted to put me on a gel or cream. Said he didn't know much about it and didn't do injectables. I did some research before getting started on anything and ended up here with ULV.

I have always been very active, but for as long as I can remember very lethargic, like every action was an uphill battle trudging through sand or something. Holding my kid, walking down the street, everything just drained the hell out of me. Much less my BJJ and lifting. I haven't seen gains in 6-8 years even though I workout all the time. Look good, defined, wouldn't think I am low T, but not continuing to gain strength and totally lackadaisical.

In BJJ/wrestling I was out of juice in like 5 minutes. Not cardio, could do slow aerobic cardio a long time, but muscularly I just couldn't keep activating them properly. This is after 7 years of BJJ. Close to purple belt atm. I keep going when dead, but I just couldn't keep my body working correctly so it just always sucked and felt like a Sisyphean task.

I have struggled with what I thought was depression, sometimes significant, for 8 years or so. Never medicated, just dealt with it. Sex drive was OK, interested in sex once a week or so. Nothing like when I was younger of course, but I have been with my wife almost 9 years now so I figured the decrease was normal.

TRT has been incredible. After about two weeks I really noticed significant energy differences. I could push out probably 2x the volume in gym, roll hard at BJJ all night rather than getting a good five minutes followed by coasting and defending. I have gone from 180 lbs to 195 lbs since starting and only seem to have LOST a little fat (wasn't a LOT there to begin with). My workouts are intense now - set of 20x at 270 on deads last week, 20x at 215 on squats this week - I used to do sets of 5 and be dead on these core exercises. I actually get a pump now - never have (that I can remember). My BJJ team has been commenting for a couple weeks now asking what the hell I am doing blowing up like this. Making steroid jokes actually lol. I will eventually talk with them about it.

My mood has been just incredible. Its not like I am walking around euphoric all the time or something, but I don't feel like just crawling back into bed every day or shooting myself when I wake up in the morning. I haven't thought of that even once. This could all just be placebo or something considering how new I am to it, but it feels like a new life at the moment. I find myself smiling thinking about random things during the day - actual happy thoughts. Its great.

Sex drive has gone through the roof. I thought I was OK before, but I doubt that now. My wife has never looked better to me. Its weird. When she gets out of the shower and is drying off, just the plain sight of her naked body turns me on again. I had been so "bored" for so many years thinking I just wasn't attracted to her anymore. I think it was me. I feel like I just NEED her all the time now. Its actually wearing her out, but she likes it. I get home late after working and training and after I clean up, before going to bed, rather than feeling tired and depressed, I drag her away from whatever she is doing for some sex almost every night now. It is fucking awesome. Once again, who knows, maybe placebo, maybe real, but its fucking awesome right now.

I reordered for another 10 weeks recently and as long as things keep up where they are now, I will never stop. I think I got pretty lucky and dialed in on E2 pretty quick. Just trying to be wary of high/low E2 signs, but so far so good.

Just wanted to share my, so far, good experience.

Edit: Umm.. wasn't so brief. Sorry.

You might want to watch it, unfortunately. Right now your receptors are extremely sensitive, starved of testosterone for so long. 200 mg is enough to get you in the 1,000's for TT and eventually enough to account for either a tolerance or insensitivity to develop. Once that happens, your sex drive dies and your gains deteriorate. From what I've been gathering, this is either common knowledge, or crazy speculation. All I know is it happened to me, and I've seen other guys complain about it.
You might want to watch it, unfortunately. Right now your receptors are extremely sensitive, starved of testosterone for so long. 200 mg is enough to get you in the 1,000's for TT and eventually enough to account for either a tolerance or insensitivity to develop. Once that happens, your sex drive dies and your gains deteriorate. From what I've been gathering, this is either common knowledge, or crazy speculation. All I know is it happened to me, and I've seen other guys complain about it.

How long did it take for this to happen to you? and were you on the same type regimen, test 2x wk, an Aromatase inhibitor (AI), and hcg?
Also, Kalaran, I forgot to ask earlier, did you ever get your testosterone checked during those 8 years of depression?
You might want to watch it, unfortunately. Right now your receptors are extremely sensitive, starved of testosterone for so long. 200 mg is enough to get you in the 1,000's for TT and eventually enough to account for either a tolerance or insensitivity to develop. Once that happens, your sex drive dies and your gains deteriorate. From what I've been gathering, this is either common knowledge, or crazy speculation. All I know is it happened to me, and I've seen other guys complain about it.

As my latest update says, I am up to five months now, still good. Haven't seen anything about testosterone tolerance or insensitivity. Have any studies on that to link?

Also, never had testosterone checked until several months before I started with IMT.
As my latest update says, I am up to five months now, still good. Haven't seen anything about testosterone tolerance or insensitivity. Have any studies on that to link?

Also, never had testosterone checked until several months before I started with IMT.

There's a couple of guys around the forums that swear something like a tolerance is built. The body will adapt to excessive stimuli of any sort. This applies to almost everything, opiates, amphetamines, SSRI, D2agonists, hCG, light, darkness, heat, cold, spankings et cetera..

I believe there to be a lot of factors which contribute to different results and if you look at it from solely AR sensitivity you are missing many other factors. Personally when cycling I believe that my gains slow down and my body develops a tolerance to the AAS stimulated growth. I think there are studies supporting the notion that a lot of receptors change sensitivity and if they don't I believe the body implements other ways to adapt to excessive stimulus. Most of my posts are speculation keep that in mind and it's just the way I have (mis)understood information or experiences.

In my case, why I lost muscle mass and weight probably depends on different factors than the testosterone itself. I really don't know and it's difficult to even speculate when you don't have a large amount of accurate information which no normal person would keep. Such as calorie intake and macros and detailed hormone panels, training program and intensity, other stresses such as girlfriend/wife problems which may increase catabolic responses. There is so much to it that you can not just blame the testosterone. Yes, some change happened to you. Basing it solely on the androgen receptor changing sensitivity is not accurate though. Just some ideas and I am happy to speculate more
I have been on for 3 years and I can screw like a champ, and stay in good athletic shape. No drop off for me whatsoever.