About to start my first cycle, here are my stats:
5'7", 140lbs, about 20% bf
Fairly clean diet, but will be cleaning it up A LOT and adding more protein, less carbs
Planning on doing 45 mins cardio 3-4x/week, weight training 5x/week
I want lose about 5-10lbs and look hard, but lean
I can get british dragon anavar... does anyone have any experience with this? or recommendations on fat burners to stack with?
This is my first time using any type of Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) and would like any advice!!
5'7", 140lbs, about 20% bf
Fairly clean diet, but will be cleaning it up A LOT and adding more protein, less carbs
Planning on doing 45 mins cardio 3-4x/week, weight training 5x/week
I want lose about 5-10lbs and look hard, but lean
I can get british dragon anavar... does anyone have any experience with this? or recommendations on fat burners to stack with?
This is my first time using any type of Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) and would like any advice!!