

The Shiznit
I've gotten mixed reviews on broomsticks, so I want to see if anyone else sees results. I try to do these everyday, and I believe they help to pop out my serratus, and also elongate my obliques(this is what I have been told by my peers' observations), but I'm not sure if it's directly due to the brooms. With that said, I tend to do alot of different abwork that hits all parts of the abdominals. So, I'm not sure if I'm just wasting my time performing these? I've always seen results in my abs, and only started doing the brooms in the last year at the request of my trainer. Now, I have all the faith in him, but I'm wondering if I'm just adding another ab movement that I don't necessarily need.
I never knew how to correctly pose to make the serratus come out, now I do, I don't know if it has always been there, or the brooms actually made them come out.
Does anyone else do these, and has seen proven results?
For the serratus, the best exercise I know it straight arm pullover.
when you say broomstick i have no idea what you mean and how to do it. If someone could explain that'd be fantastic
Madine21: I dont think theyre worth it.

Dominance: Its a stick, like one on a broom :) cant describe it better.
Dominance said:
What does one do with this stick broom like object that benefits the obliques and abdominals?

Standing twists, broomstick twists, etc. They go by many names. IF and when I do them, I generally use a barbell, but that's just me. (haven't done them in a year, at least).

I agree with I-M though, that pullovers are about the best exercise for the serratus.
Thanks guys.
I also do pullovers, so I've got that covered. I guess my main concern is that I can feel the serratus/obliques being stressed in other movements(such as the pullover), along with my hanging ab sets. I don't necessarily feel them being stressed, maybe stretched, but not stressed, when doing brooms. Now I'm not looking to put any more thickness into them, but I do like to bring them in. I know how to hit them, but I'm wondering if I'm just performing a redundant movement.
I rarely see other figure competitors with this definition...haha.
I was told that brooms aid in building the obliques/serratus and in accentuating the V-taper more. I think I could still see this result with the ab work & pullovers already performed.
You guys agree also?
I have personally always loved doing the broomsticks and see alot of improved definition if my obliques from them. The pull overs do seem to hurt my ribs less though..
Mudge said:
You wont elongate any muscles doing anything.

Thanks, Mudge.
Maybe I phrased that wrong, I'm not trying to elongate anything. When I do these broom twists, the feeling is that of elongation, I know I can't elongate anything.
My question is if I'm just doing a senseless, redundant exercise for bringing out the serratus & oblliques by performing brooms everyday...
I think its the same as how when you do punches in karate or kickboxing works your abs..the same movement..