I ran a cycle for 6 months or so and it was pretty much a low dose cycle. I mainly ran 250mgs of test and some var at 40-60mgs well I took my last shot November 14th and I also ran about a 30 day pct clomid and nolva. Well in this time my girl broke up with me and I literally was so depressed I didn't eat. I went from 210 to 194. I was with her for 2 years and just out of the blue she told me she wanted to break up cause she didn't love me. We never fought and I treated her like a princess which was my mistake. Never again!!! Anyway I'm dieing to get back on. When I'm on I feel so much more confident. The reason I came off was because I didn't want to shut my natural test down for good. I'm wondering if I get on will I still be in danger of shutting my test off for good? I don't want to be trt. If it wasn't for the break up I would be just fine, so I think I'm not shut down anymore. I just want to get back on feel good again and start dating. Should I stay off another month or should I get back on?