Brothers I need your help...get back on?


New member
I ran a cycle for 6 months or so and it was pretty much a low dose cycle. I mainly ran 250mgs of test and some var at 40-60mgs well I took my last shot November 14th and I also ran about a 30 day pct clomid and nolva. Well in this time my girl broke up with me and I literally was so depressed I didn't eat. I went from 210 to 194. I was with her for 2 years and just out of the blue she told me she wanted to break up cause she didn't love me. We never fought and I treated her like a princess which was my mistake. Never again!!! Anyway I'm dieing to get back on. When I'm on I feel so much more confident. The reason I came off was because I didn't want to shut my natural test down for good. I'm wondering if I get on will I still be in danger of shutting my test off for good? I don't want to be trt. If it wasn't for the break up I would be just fine, so I think I'm not shut down anymore. I just want to get back on feel good again and start dating. Should I stay off another month or should I get back on?
I feel for you brother but things will get better. Been there and done that. Takes time.

When ever you cycle there's a chance you won't recover and have to be on trt. That's why you run it right and hopefully use hcg and do a proper pct and you probably will recover.

Did you get blood work 6 weeks after your pct? How about pre and mid blood work?
I agree with hiram1st. Get a blood test to make sure you're good. Cycling right now would likely be more harmful than helpful as hormones intensify emotions. This is largely where the whole myth about "roid rage" came from - guys that can't handle their shit loading up on AAS.

My .02c :)
Just for the record, you almost were on TRT. 250mg/week is slightly higher than a normal TRT dose of 200mg/week. I know you threw anavar in there, but still... Are you sure you aren't suffering from Low T (when Natty)?

How did you liver hold up with being on anavar for 6 months?
Yea brother run some labs first. Pretty insufficient cycle, but still had you shut down. See where yiu are first, then come back and kill that shit. Find you another pink taco to fall in love with
I was on test for about 4 years straight. I didnt really know what i was doing so i just stayed on. Then i ran into some personal problems and had to stop. My natty test did come back, but it took awhile.... And just to let u know i took 2.5yrs off before i started again...
Anyway, I can definitely relate to feeling down, Test is like the best anti-depressant in the world.
Thanks for all the advice guys. Bye I ran the var for like 10 weeks not the whole 6 months. Last time I got blood work there was like a link and it cost like $40 and you took it in to them and they have you results like 3 days later. It was like a year ago.
Pvtmdlabs. You should probably get the male hormone a full work up to see what's going on before you junp on again.

Getc the results post here and the guys here will help you interpret them
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