brutal headache following orgasim


New member
Something has started recently which has me a bit worried. to begin with it takes me forever to climax. I am used to that and sometimes just give up without finishing. Lately though, immediately following orgasim I get the worse headache of my life, on the right side of my head, in the temple region. It is bad enough that it affects my balance and you can feel the throbbing very strongly by putting your fingers on my right temple. Anyone else ever experience anything like this? Blood pressure maybe?
i had the exact same problem a couple years back no idea what it was my bp seemed fine when i was at the doctors so i look forward to someone being able answer this!
well ive experienced the same thing as well......also still sometimes i cannot finish at all,really frustrating,i added Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) to my testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) regime and it helped,but it still takes forever
ED meds.... That's my guess... Are u taking Viagra.... The stuff totally dries me out. I have to drink alot of water when I'm on it.
I had the same problem, scared the heck out of me, apparently not that uncommon. Mine went away after 2-3 weeks, which is what the information I found about it said it would. It is called post orgasim migranes, very painful!
did it start from the back of head/ base of skull where neck meets skull & work its way up to the top of your head?? thats how i experienced this except mine has happened during sex & masturbation and intensifies as i get closer to orgasm. only happens here and there but scares the shit out of me when it does. i thought i was about to have a stroke or aneurism. im 25 yrs old & have high BP & have been off of steroids for over a yr now.