Buddies, can you help me?


New member
So that's my story :)

I have run two cycles:

The first was only oral, dbol + drol. (I know it's a bad cycle, but i've learned the lesson)
The second cycle was Test C + dbol + drol.

When I have finished my cycles, I knew the vials and orals that I have are underdosed. But now, I know where to buy LEGIT gear, i'm very well informed NOW.

That's my question:

For my third cycle I was thinking this:

Test E 750mg week
Deca 600 mg
Eq 300 mg

But the past cycles was "underdosed", i have gained in total 40lbs (20 lbs per cycle, but 10 lbs it's water from oxy I think) so you suggest to repeat a basic cycle, like this:

Test 500mg/deca 300 mg (maybe eq 200mg)?

Or for you it's ok continue on this way?
Isn't 750mg of test a bit too high? You'd do just as well with 500mg and drop the EQ, you want to start cycles slowly and gradualy add in extra compounds after each one. How long are you planning on running your cycle for?

You didn't mention post cycle therapy (pct) or AI's I hope you'll be running Prami and arimidex and clomid for post cycle therapy (pct). Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) aswel for a better recovery.
Isn't 750mg of test a bit too high? You'd do just as well with 500mg and drop the EQ, you want to start cycles slowly and gradualy add in extra compounds after each one. How long are you planning on running your cycle for?

You didn't mention post cycle therapy (pct) or AI's I hope you'll be running Prami and arimidex and clomid for post cycle therapy (pct). HCG aswel for a better recovery.

That's obviusly for me :)

I will run, test 500 deca 300, for 12 weeks :)
That's obviusly for me :)

I will run, test 500 deca 300, for 12 weeks :)

Ok, as "you mad bro" said, you still havent mentioned any post cycle therapy (pct). You need to plan this before you run your cycle. What AI's will you run with your cycle, and what do you have planned for post cycle therapy (pct). If you dont know, do some research, or atleast ask. Its important.
I answered to you question on the above post, it's obviusly for me do a post cycle therapy (pct).. i do a normal post cycle therapy (pct) with clomid and nolva, maybe instead nolva, use aromasin