Bula - one week out


Mr TampaBay 2007
Starting a new thread since i'm getting close to contest time. Refer to http://www.steroidology.com/forum/showthread.php?t=89086 if needed for the previous thread.

Heres some of my latest photos. My weight is down to 168. I never thought i'd get this low, but it is necessary to show the definition I need to show. I am so low on carbs I feel my muscles are about as flat as they can get. I really look forward to pounding the sugars prior to contest. I feel like a twig right now - not to mention just about ready to pass out.

Comments welcome and thanks for the support these past few months guys.

wow bro lookin shredded

Nice dude. You should look awesome when you can fill out those muscles again. Looking forward to your competition pictures.
DADAWG said:
time it right with water/carbs/etc. and your hard to beat

I've hired one of the better trainer/coaches for my final 4 week prep. I'm seeing him daily now during this final week and he's making changes as needed. It is expensive, but so worth it. He'll have me timed perfectly.

This is the start of several shows i'm doing. This weekend, then the following weekend, then possibly the following weekend as well. I figure, it takes so darn long and hard to get here, go for it. The final one he's trying to get me to do is a Level 5 National Qualifier in July. I'm like, Jeez - I was just doing this for fun. Since I refuse to change (ie juice) and since i'm dead-set on staying natural all the way, he believes I can really do well on the Natural competing level - Team Universe possibly down the road. But after 16 years of hardcore lifting and dieting, I think I may just do this summer round once and hang it up. The results will dictate what I do later on. In any case, i'm giving this shot everything I can - win or lose.

You looked great in the first pics so I was eager to see your new post.

The latest is an improvement on that. Your hard work paid off. Really well done, bud.

Best of luck to you.
rookie03 said:
whats your current diet look like?

Lately, about 200g protein daily (set portions of chicken, lean beef and white fish) and only about 35g carbs on first meal. 2 gal H2O daily. Nothing else. No supplements - None.

Today FINALLY I get to start carbs. 30g rice every 2 hours. HURRAH HURRAH HURRAH. I can't tell you how happy I am about that. I can hardly get out of my chair sometimes without blacking out. Its incredible how weak you can get prior to a show. I knew it was bad, but not this bad. I have more respect for those true BBrs who do this ALL OUT, perfect prep. It tests the psyche and certainly separates the men from the wannabes.

From here on out, anyone (I mean anyone!!) who tells me he's a amateur bodybuilder is ABSOLUTELY NOT unless you've done this final dialing in step - and I mean hardcore diet, cardio, etc down to 5% bf. Until then, you are only a weight lifter or hard gainer, not a bodybuilder. Period!!! After 16 years of thinking I was a BBr from constant strict lifting and dieting, I certainly was not. I was just a serious lifter. But not anymore.

Not trying to incite folks here with that last comment, but this experience has completely redefined my opinions on what a Bodybuilder truly is. JMHO.

^^^^good post...i completely agree, i mean the definition of a bodybuilder is pretty clear in the name, but I agree with you about having to get dialed in and still push through it to truely become a bodybuilder. You look great bro, your legs are striated as fuck, and your abs look awsome, lets see the rear lat spread and most muscular on you!
absolutely inspiring... totally agree with the you're not an amateur bodybuilder until you've done a show. congrats to you no matter what place you take!
Hey Bula do you have all the info on where the show is gonna be and date and time? I see you're in Tampa, I'm in Orlando so I might try to come.