Bula - one week out

tentatively, I plan to compete in the Orlando mid-Florida classic on June 17. For that show, i'll be in the Over-35 masters class.

Dr. Phillips High School Auditorium 6500 Turkey Lake Rd. Orlando. Finals at 6pm.

That may make it easier for you if you attend one of the shows.
bula said:
tentatively, I plan to compete in the Orlando mid-Florida classic on June 17. For that show, i'll be in the Over-35 masters class.

Dr. Phillips High School Auditorium 6500 Turkey Lake Rd. Orlando. Finals at 6pm.

That may make it easier for you if you attend one of the shows.

Awesome thanks. I'll definately try to make it to that, thats just right down the road from me.
im from the area as well, would love to come out and cheer you on man. congrats on the physique, you've deffinatly done your share of hard work and its very visable

Thanks for all the info. Very insightful. I never realized at all how difficult the dieting part of it was. Much more respect.

Best of luck on the upcoming events. You look great!

bula said:
Lately, about 200g protein daily (set portions of chicken, lean beef and white fish) and only about 35g carbs on first meal. 2 gal H2O daily. Nothing else. No supplements - None.

Today FINALLY I get to start carbs. 30g rice every 2 hours. HURRAH HURRAH HURRAH. I can't tell you how happy I am about that. I can hardly get out of my chair sometimes without blacking out. Its incredible how weak you can get prior to a show. I knew it was bad, but not this bad. I have more respect for those true BBrs who do this ALL OUT, perfect prep. It tests the psyche and certainly separates the men from the wannabes.

From here on out, anyone (I mean anyone!!) who tells me he's a amateur bodybuilder is ABSOLUTELY NOT unless you've done this final dialing in step - and I mean hardcore diet, cardio, etc down to 5% bf. Until then, you are only a weight lifter or hard gainer, not a bodybuilder. Period!!! After 16 years of thinking I was a BBr from constant strict lifting and dieting, I certainly was not. I was just a serious lifter. But not anymore.

Not trying to incite folks here with that last comment, but this experience has completely redefined my opinions on what a Bodybuilder truly is. JMHO.

Well i'm off. Tonight is registration, tomorrow is the contest. I've got 3 layers of protan so far. One more to go and then 1 layer of jantana and then oil tomorrow. H20 is down to a pint today. I'm parched but the carbs have me feeling Soooooooooooooooooooo much better. Got a huge cooler of all different stuff to eat for adjustments. Posing is ready. Routine is ready. I'm ready.

Since this is my very first contest, i'm doing novice class. Next week, i'll do the open.

I'll keep ya'll posted next week on how I did. Hopefully some pix as well.

I'm out,
Would have been cool if you kept a journal of your prep.

Diet, training, and week by week photo's

Great job and good luck