Bulking and Getting fat. How do I avoid?


New member
I know theres a link to "Clean bulking diet" somewhere around here. I cant find it.

Help please? I am sick of playing the guessing game with nutrition, the more I lift the more I realize thats the most important part. And, I will be doing another cycle soon and want my DIET PERFECT (or close to it) I wanna bulk and keep fat down (obvisously).
I'll give you my approach. I think much of this has to do with your particular philosophy and goals and experience.

I do not understand the guys that say you need to eat 5 or 7000 calories/day. Ok, maybe if you are doing 4 hours of cardio/day or something but aside from that I do not think it is necessary. I think of it just like I would when trying to lose some fat and hold on to muscle. I look at activity level/weight etc and figure out BMR and total calorie use/day. If trying to gain some weight I would shoot for taking in 500-700 or so more cal/day than what I am burning.

Understand this is coming from someone that has gained 90 lbs off steroids over a very long time. Adding some dope may make me change my mind. Having said that, i'm gaining weight right now using the above approach. I do not over do the calories man. I do not think one has to get fat to gain muscle. A little bit, maybe but it is not a prerequisite.

Bottom line, you have to have calorie excess to gain muscle efficiently, i just dont think it has to be through the roof to the point where you start stacking on fat.

There is a finite amount of muscle you can add in a given period of time. Eating more will not change that, it will just be stored as fat.

just my feeling on it.

Oh yea, your diet is never perfect, it can always be improved on i think
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I know theres a link to "Clean bulking diet" somewhere around here. I cant find it.

Help please? I am sick of playing the guessing game with nutrition, the more I lift the more I realize thats the most important part. And, I will be doing another cycle soon and want my DIET PERFECT (or close to it) I wanna bulk and keep fat down (obvisously).

clean bulking = low to no refind sugars like:
(too much juice)
and overall crap food.

for carbs try to stick to slow digesting carbs like:

for PostWO (right after workout) I would rec some sugar like some juice or some fruit.
and some protein like whey powder.

there really is no secret its pritty much common sence, probibly why you couldent find an exact exp for it.

stay away from refined sugars and dont go TOO high on your calories.

also I would rec a supp : Need2Slin
it would help keep fat off and is nice for heling with mass at the same time.
clean bulking = low to no refind sugars like:
(too much juice)
and overall crap food.

for carbs try to stick to slow digesting carbs like:

for PostWO (right after workout) I would rec some sugar like some juice or some fruit.
and some protein like whey powder.

there really is no secret its pritty much common sence, probibly why you couldent find an exact exp for it.

stay away from refined sugars and dont go TOO high on your calories.

also I would rec a supp : Need2Slin
it would help keep fat off and is nice for heling with mass at the same time.

O I should of mentioned....I AM TYPE1 Diabetic. So, I take insulin whenever I eat carbs/sugar.

I dont know how this will screw me over being a bodybuilder. But, I dont think that need2slin would help me since my pancreas dosnt even work?

Side note: What do you guys do for PRE workout? Carbs or no? I always thought yes, to give you some energy, but that would mean I would have to take insulin, which taking it to much could lead to fat gain????


Im so lost....someone help!
O I should of mentioned....I AM TYPE1 Diabetic. So, I take insulin whenever I eat carbs/sugar.

I dont know how this will screw me over being a bodybuilder. But, I dont think that need2slin would help me since my pancreas dosnt even work?

Side note: What do you guys do for PRE workout? Carbs or no? I always thought yes, to give you some energy, but that would mean I would have to take insulin, which taking it to much could lead to fat gain????


Im so lost....someone help!

Pre workout depends on the stats and goals the person is looking to obtain. Personally, I enjoying takign N2KTS with some BCAA pre workout and thats it for pre.
O I should of mentioned....I AM TYPE1 Diabetic. So, I take insulin whenever I eat carbs/sugar.

I dont know how this will screw me over being a bodybuilder. But, I dont think that need2slin would help me since my pancreas dosnt even work?

Side note: What do you guys do for PRE workout? Carbs or no? I always thought yes, to give you some energy, but that would mean I would have to take insulin, which taking it to much could lead to fat gain????


Im so lost....someone help!

Actually some bodybuilders are diabetics my friend, do not give up.

The trick is learning when and how to use your insulin. Insulin is the most freaking anabolic substance you have in your house! And due to your unfortunate(Sorry to hear about the diabetes) situation, you do have the chance to be in complete control. I can't advise to much on it but there are diabetic bodybuilders who can, mastering the use of insulin can result in some amazing growth!

Pretty sure Dennis Wolf is a diabetic!(like 95%). And a couple other IFBB pros.

For Need2slin I am unsure and will check up the chain on its effect in a diabetics body. Its a nutrient partitioner but if your using insulin best to make sure of safety first.

I will look around for any info on the subject of diabetics and weightlifting. But it is being done successfully so your not screwed or anything.
Actually some bodybuilders are diabetics my friend, do not give up.

The trick is learning when and how to use your insulin. Insulin is the most freaking anabolic substance you have in your house! And due to your unfortunate(Sorry to hear about the diabetes) situation, you do have the chance to be in complete control. I can't advise to much on it but there are diabetic bodybuilders who can, mastering the use of insulin can result in some amazing growth!

Pretty sure Dennis Wolf is a diabetic!(like 95%). And a couple other IFBB pros.

For Need2slin I am unsure and will check up the chain on its effect in a diabetics body. Its a nutrient partitioner but if your using insulin best to make sure of safety first.

I will look around for any info on the subject of diabetics and weightlifting. But it is being done successfully so your not screwed or anything.

Dang man, you just made my day/week! ;)

I honestly get really down on myself being diabetic. I have been lifting 5 years, and always wonder, (what if I wasnt diabetic, would I be way bigger/stronger?) I try to resarch diabetic BBing, but theres not much out there. And insulin can be such a double edge sword. If you could find some info on the subject I would be MORE THAN APPRECIATIVE.

Thanks a bunch man.
One of the major factors in bbing nutrition is controling insuliin levels. If ur type 1 that makes it easy. Inject at the right times and ur g2g. If ur type 2 keeping ur carb levels down and using them on a prn basis is key. Iv helped a bunch of people with type 2 and a few with type 1. The latter being more rare
One of the major factors in bbing nutrition is controling insuliin levels. If ur type 1 that makes it easy. Inject at the right times and ur g2g. If ur type 2 keeping ur carb levels down and using them on a prn basis is key. Iv helped a bunch of people with type 2 and a few with type 1. The latter being more rare

Well, when would the "rite" times be? Most people say eat multiple meals throughout the day, BUT if I do that, that means more frequent slin injections. Wouldnt that make me FAT?

Also, heres a question I would PAY to have soemone answer...

Scenerio. Me, and my IDENTICAL brother are both Type 1, have the excact same build, diet and routine. HOWEVER, I am more insulin sensitve, meaning I only need 30 units to cover our diet, while he needs 60 units. Would that make him fatter since hes using more? Or does that not matter?
does he exercise, how is diet. Type I's dont make insulin but are still sensitive to it. insulin sensitivity is adversely affected by diet high in simple sugar, ie typical western diet. This decreases peripheral sensitivity to insulin. Balanced diet of protein complex carbs with high fiber and fat tend to improve insulin sensitivity as does exercise. I would say it is possible that he is less sensitive secondary to diet and exercise habits. So that being said, his insulin desensitization is less responsible for obesity as it is a marker of poor diet and exercise habits.
also, having to inject insulin more frequently wouldnt necessairly make you fat. I think you might be confusing the freuency of slin injection with amount of insulin needed to lower blood sugar. Simple sugars spine glucose fast and need high doses of insulin to control. this is secondary to poor diet high in simple sugar. When non diabetics eat they release insulin, you just need to inject it
Actually some bodybuilders are diabetics my friend, do not give up.

The trick is learning when and how to use your insulin. Insulin is the most freaking anabolic substance you have in your house! And due to your unfortunate(Sorry to hear about the diabetes) situation, you do have the chance to be in complete control. I can't advise to much on it but there are diabetic bodybuilders who can, mastering the use of insulin can result in some amazing growth!

Pretty sure Dennis Wolf is a diabetic!(like 95%). And a couple other IFBB pros.

For Need2slin I am unsure and will check up the chain on its effect in a diabetics body. Its a nutrient partitioner but if your using insulin best to make sure of safety first.

I will look around for any info on the subject of diabetics and weightlifting. But it is being done successfully so your not screwed or anything.

I greatly concurr with the former statements. There are many successful diabetic pro bodybuilders. Its just something you have to work with bro and Zero is right, you really have an advantage as far as being able to administer insulin at certain times. And i think bodybuilding is the best thing a diabetic can do, in that you really take control of your health with exercise and diet.

And for the latter, I would be cautious using n2slin as a diabetic but not opposed to it.

Just use your insulin correctly as you have been and try the n2slin. Monitor your FSBS closely and assess how you feel.

Good luck my friend!
i'll give you my approach. I think much of this has to do with your particular philosophy and goals and experience.

I do not understand the guys that say you need to eat 5 or 7000 calories/day. Ok, maybe if you are doing 4 hours of cardio/day or something but aside from that i do not think it is necessary. I think of it just like i would when trying to lose some fat and hold on to muscle. I look at activity level/weight etc and figure out bmr and total calorie use/day. If trying to gain some weight i would shoot for taking in 500-700 or so more cal/day than what i am burning.

Understand this is coming from someone that has gained 90 lbs off steroids over a very long time. Adding some dope may make me change my mind. Having said that, i'm gaining weight right now using the above approach. I do not over do the calories man. I do not think one has to get fat to gain muscle. A little bit, maybe but it is not a prerequisite.

Bottom line, you have to have calorie excess to gain muscle efficiently, i just dont think it has to be through the roof to the point where you start stacking on fat.

There is a finite amount of muscle you can add in a given period of time. Eating more will not change that, it will just be stored as fat.

Just my feeling on it.

Oh yea, your diet is never perfect, it can always be improved on i think
